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车联网综述深入探讨了这个具有巨大潜力的领域,它旨在提升道路交通的安全性、效率和娱乐性。本篇论文由Georgios Karagiannis等人撰写,于2011年第四季度发表在IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS & TUTORIALS上,共分为五个主要部分:需求分析、网络架构、面临的挑战、标准制定以及解决方案。 首先,论文介绍了车联网的基本特性,包括Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET)中的V2V(车对车)通信和V2I(车对基础设施)通信,这些技术是实现自动驾驶、交通信息共享和紧急救援等应用的基础。VANET的需求多元化,涉及车辆间的信息交换、驾驶员辅助系统以及与基础设施的无缝连接。 接下来,作者详细列举了与车联网相关的应用及其所引发的需求,如实时交通信息、自动驾驶协作、预防碰撞预警等。为了满足这些需求,文章讨论了面临的挑战,比如数据传输的可靠性、安全性、延迟和带宽管理等,并针对这些问题提出了潜在的解决方案。 此外,论文还回顾了美国、日本和欧洲的主要智能交通系统(ITS)项目和计划,如SAE(美国汽车工程师学会)、IEEE 802.11p(Wi-Fi for Vehicle to Everything, WAVE)标准、WAVE Ad-hoc Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE-AWVe)协议、ISO/CAJCALM(国际标准化组织/日本汽车联合会通信标准)、ARIB(日本广播协会)的智能驾驶项目等。这些项目展示了不同国家在车联网技术上的探索和发展方向。 论文进一步剖析了在美国、日本和欧洲采用的车联网架构及通信协议套件,例如IntelliDrive、VII、SEVECOM、VSC(Vehicle Safety Communication)、SAFESPOT、CVIS(Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System)、SMARTWAY、ASV(Advanced Safety Vehicle)以及在安全相关的ITS-Safety 2010活动和eSafety项目中的应用,展示了全球范围内技术创新和标准化进程。 总结来说,这篇综述为读者提供了一个全面的视角,涵盖了车联网技术从需求理解到架构设计,再到当前和过去的项目实施,以及国际标准的形成和应用。通过阅读这篇文章,研究者和从业者可以深入了解车联网的发展现状、挑战以及未来可能的发展趋势。
2018-05-13 上传
Electronic Control Units (ECUs) of a vehicle control the behavior of its devices–e.g., break and engine. They communicate through the in-vehicle network. Vehicles communicate with other vehicles and Road Side Units (RSUs) through Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANets), with personal devices through Wireless Per- sonal Area Networks (WPANs), and with service center systems through cellular networks. A vehicle that uses an external network, in addition to the in-vehicle network, is called connected vehicle. A connected vehicle could benefit from smart mobility applications: applications that use information generated by vehicles, e.g., cooperative adaptive cruise control. However, connecting in-vehicle network, VANet, WPAN, and cellular network in- creases the count and complexity of threats to vehicles, which makes developing security and privacy solutions for connected vehicles more challenging. In this work we provide a taxonomy for security and privacy aspects of connected vehicle. The aspects are: security of communication links, data validity, security of devices, identity and liability, access control, and privacy of drivers and vehicles. We use the taxonomy to classify the main threats to connected vehicles, and existing solutions that address the threats. We also report about the (only) approach for verifying security and privacy architecture of connected vehicle that we found in the literature. The taxonomy and survey could be used by security architects to develop security solutions for smart mobility applications.