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BIM technology has been identified as a key focus in the construction industry. In February 2019, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development released the work points for the year, emphasizing the promotion of BIM technology application and providing support for development platform software. A series of activities have been organized to establish BIM application indicators and evaluation methods in construction projects, further advancing the comprehensive application of BIM technology throughout the entire lifecycle of buildings. Meanwhile, RFID technology has gradually gained momentum in the construction industry as well. It can be used for identifying and labeling various components of buildings, facilitating queries, tracking, and inspections.
Both BIM and RFID technologies have been initially applied in the current construction processes and have demonstrated their effectiveness. This paper explores the application of BIM and RFID technologies in construction projects, citing real-life examples to support the discussion. It proposes that the integration of BIM and RFID can provide guidance for their combined use in construction management. Key words: BIM, RFID, BIM RFID, prefabricated construction, construction management.
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