NIST SP800-162:面向属性的访问控制(ABAC)指南:定义与考虑

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"NIST SP800-162.pdf"是一份由美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)发布的特别出版物,其标题为《基于属性的访问控制(ABAC)定义与考虑指南》。该文档聚焦于信息技术领域,特别是在保护信息安全和供应链管理方面的重要性。章节一介绍了信息通信技术(ICT)的复杂全球供应链生态,这个生态系统由众多公共和私营部门实体组成,包括系统集成商、供应商和服务提供商,它们共同设计、制造、分销和部署ICT产品和服务。 随着联邦政府对商业信息技术解决方案的依赖增强,如现成的软件(COTS)和定制系统集成,这些供应链变得越来越庞大和复杂,但也带来了更高的风险。威胁可能包括假冒产品、未经授权的生产、恶意软件和硬件插入、以及供应链中产品质量和安全的隐患。由于全球化和恶意行为者的高精尖攻击手段,这些风险可能难以察觉,对最终用户构成潜在威胁。 NIST SP800-162的发布旨在帮助政府机构和组织更好地理解和实施基于属性的访问控制(ABAC),这是一种根据主体或客体的属性来决定访问权限的控制策略。通过这一指南,NIST旨在支持联邦信息安全管理体系(FISMA)的法规要求,提升系统的安全性、弹性和质量。该指南还强调了国际合作和国内国际供应链中潜在的安全挑战,提醒用户在选择和使用任何来源的ICT产品和服务时,需充分考虑其可能存在的漏洞和安全风险。 这份报告不仅提供了关于ABAC概念和技术的详细解释,还着重于如何通过改进供应链管理、提高透明度和实施有效的风险管理策略,来保护组织免受ICT供应链威胁的影响。对于任何涉及敏感信息处理的组织来说,理解并遵循NIST SP800-162的建议是至关重要的,以确保其信息资产的安全和业务连续性。
2020-02-25 上传
INTRODUCTION THE NEED FOR CYBER RESILIENT SYSTEMS he need for trustworthy secure systems1 stems from a variety of stakeholder needs that are driven by mission, business, and other objectives and concerns. The principles, concepts, and practices for engineering trustworthy secure systems can be expressed in various ways, depending on which aspect of trustworthiness is of concern to stakeholders. [NIST 800-160, Vol.1] provides guidance on systems security engineering with an emphasis on protection against asset loss.2 In addition to security, other aspects of trustworthiness include, for example, reliability, safety, resilience, and privacy. Specialty engineering disciplines address different aspects of trustworthiness. While each specialty discipline frames the problem domain and the potential solution space for its aspect of trustworthiness somewhat differently, [NIST 800-160, Vol. 1] includes systems engineering processes to align the concepts, frameworks, and analytic processes from multiple disciplines to make trade-offs within and between the various aspects of trustworthiness applicable to a system-of-interest.3 NIST Special Publication 800-160, Volume 2 focuses on the property of cyber resiliency, which has a strong relationship to security and resilience, but which provides a distinctive framework for its identified problem domain and solution space. Cyber resiliency is the ability to anticipate, withstand, recover from, and adapt to adverse conditions, stresses, attacks, or compromises on systems that use or are enabled by cyber resources regardless of the source.4 Cyber resiliency supports mission assurance in a contested environment, for missions which depend on systems which include cyber resources. A cyber resource is an information resource which creates, stores, processes, manages, transmits, or disposes of information in electronic form and which can be accessed via a network or using networking methods. A cyber resource which can be accessed via a network exists in or has a presence in cyberspace. However, some information resources are designed to be accessed using a networking method only intermittently (e.g., via a low-power connection to check the status of an insulin pump; via a wired connection to upgrade software in an embedded avionic device). These cyber resources are characterized as operating primarily in stand-off mode.5