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With the influence of the big data era and new technologies, e-commerce is experiencing a thriving development trend. It is not only continuously integrating with various industries, injecting new vitality into traditional industries, but also bringing new economic growth points and more functional requirements to industry development. In order to ensure the stability of e-commerce system transactions and meet the increasing system throughput and the demand for system improvement and updates from users, system development needs to start from multiple perspectives of software design and hardware layout.
This paper takes the home small commodity mall system as an example, using the Mysql relational database management system and the MVC thinking mode to complete the interface design and function implementation. Firstly, it analyzes the significance, feasibility, and actual requirements of the mall system construction. Secondly, starting from the requirements, it completes the use case modeling, static modeling and dynamic modeling, and expresses the entire process of system development through UML modeling tools such as use case diagrams, class diagrams, activity diagrams, and collaboration diagrams. Finally, based on the modeling results, it implements the main functions of the home small commodity mall system, such as user registration, product management, shopping cart management, and order management.
Keywords: household goods, mall system, Mysql relational database management system.
175 浏览量
120 浏览量
2023-06-06 上传
2021-10-08 上传
2022-05-31 上传
106 浏览量
361 浏览量
2021-09-21 上传

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