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资源摘要信息:"本书名为《JAVA源码文本-Java-in-Two-Semesters-Featuring-JavaFX:文本中程序的源代码》,是一本关于Java编程语言的学习教材。本书内容涵盖了Java的基础知识点以及部分高级特性,特别是与JavaFX的集成使用,适用于两个学期的教学模块。在第一部分,本书会教授编程的基础概念,包括变量的声明、控制结构、方法和数组等。在第二部分,将基于第一部分的基础知识,进一步深入探讨高级应用开发技能,如类和对象、继承、多态性、接口、lambda表达式、泛型、集合类、异常处理、文件处理、多线程编程、套接字编程、远程数据库访问以及流API的使用等。 本书第四版特别关注Java 8版本中的新特性,包括JavaFX的图形用户界面(GUI)开发、lambda表达式和Stream API。JavaFX是Java平台的一个图形库,允许开发者创建富客户端应用程序,包括丰富的图形和动画效果,这对于学习构建事件驱动的图形界面非常重要。Lambda表达式提供了编写更简洁的代码的方式,使得Java支持函数式编程特性。Stream API则为处理集合中的元素提供了新的方式,可以简化多线程等复杂操作。 书中每章末尾都包含自测题和编程练习,以及两个启发性的案例研究,帮助读者更好地理解理论知识并将其应用于实际编程中。本书的目录结构设计合理,能够帮助教师和学生有效地规划学习和教学进度。 由于本书内容涉及的知识点非常丰富,适合对Java编程有系统学习需求的读者,无论是自学还是作为大专院校的教学材料。本书的"系统开源"标签表明其内容可能会以开源形式提供给公众访问,这对于广大Java开发者来说是一个非常有价值的资源。 文件列表中的"Java-in-Two-Semesters-Featuring-JavaFX-master"表示这本书的源代码或者示例代码可能被组织在一个名为"Java-in-Two-Semesters-Featuring-JavaFX"的主项目目录中,"master"通常指明这是一个主分支或主要版本的代码库。开发者或学习者可以通过这个项目来获取书中的Java源码示例,进一步学习或实现Java及JavaFX编程。"
274 浏览量
Java in Two Semesters: Featuring JavaFX (Texts in Computer Science) By 作者: Quentin Charatan – Aaron Kans ISBN-10 书号: 3319994190 ISBN-13 书号: 9783319994192 Edition 版本: 4th ed. 2019 出版日期: 2019-01-09 pages 页数: (716 ) $79.99 This easy-to-follow textbook teaches Java programming from first principles, as well as covering design and testing methodologies. The text is divided into two parts. Each part supports a one-semester module, the first part addressing fundamental programming concepts, and the second part building on this foundation, teaching the skills required to develop more advanced applications. This fully updated and greatly enhanced fourth edition covers the key developments introduced in Java 8, including material on JavaFX, lambda expressions and the Stream API. Topics and features: begins by introducing fundamental programming concepts such as declaration of variables, control structures, methods and arrays; goes on to cover the fundamental object-oriented concepts of classes and objects, inheritance and polymorphism; uses JavaFX throughout for constructing event-driven graphical interfaces; includes advanced topics such as interfaces and lambda expressions, generics, collection classes and exceptions; explains file-handling techniques, packages, multi-threaded programs, socket programming, remote database access and processing collections using streams; includes self-test questions and programming exercises at the end of each chapter, as well as two illuminating case studies; provides additional resources at its associated website (simply go to and search for “Java in Two Semesters”), including a guide on how to install and use the NetBeans™ Java IDE. Offering a gentle introduction to the field, assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, Java in Two Semesters is the ideal companion to undergraduate modules in software development or programming.