LayoutNet: Reconstructing the 3D Room Layout from a Single RGB Image
Chuhang Zou
Alex Colburn
Qi Shan
Derek Hoiem
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
{czou4, dhoiem}@illinois.edu
Zillow Group
{alexco, qis}@zillow.com
We propose an algorithm to predict room layout from a
single image that generalizes across panoramas and per-
spective images, cuboid layouts and more general layouts
(e.g. “L”-shape room). Our method operates directly on the
panoramic image, rather than decomposing into perspec-
tive images as do recent works. Our network architecture is
similar to that of RoomNet [
15], but we show improvements
due to aligning the image based on vanishing points, pre-
dicting multiple layout elements (corners, boundaries, size
and translation), and fitting a constrained Manhattan lay-
out to the resulting predictions. Our method compares well
in speed and accuracy to other existing work on panora-
mas, achieves among the best accuracy for perspective im-
ages, and can handle both cuboid-shaped and more general
Manhattan layouts.
1. Introduction
Estimating the 3D layout of a room from one image is an
important goal, with applications such as robotics and vir-
tual/augmented reality. The room layout specifies the posi-
tions, orientations, and heights of the walls, relative to the
camera center. The layout can be represented as a set of
projected corner positions or boundaries, or as a 3D mesh.
Existing works apply to special cases of the problem, such
as predicting cuboid-shaped layouts from perspective im-
ages or from panoramic images.
We present LayoutNet, a deep convolution neural net-
work (CNN) that estimates the 3D layout of an indoor
scene from a single perspective or panoramic image (Fig-
1). Our method compares well in speed and accu-
racy on panoramas and is among the best on perspec-
tive images. Our method also generalizes to non-cuboid
Manhattan layouts, such as “L”-shaped rooms. Code is
available at:
Our LayoutNet approach operates in three steps ( Fig-
2). First, our system analyzes the vanishing points
Figure 1. Illustration. Our LayoutNet predicts a non-cuboid room
layout from a single panorama under equirectangular projection.
and aligns the image to be level with the floor (Sec. 3.1).
This alignment ensures that wall-wall boundaries are ver-
tical lines and substantially reduces error according to our
experiments. In the second step, corner (layout junctions)
and boundary probability maps are predicted directly on the
image using a CNN with an encoder-decoder structure and
skip connections (Sec.
3.2). Corners and boundaries each
provide a complete representation of room layout. We find
that jointly predicting them in a single network leads to bet-
ter estimation. Finally, the 3D layout parameters are opti-
mized to fit the predicted corners and boundaries (Sec.
The final 3D layout loss from our optimization process is
difficult to back-propagate through the network, but direct
regression of the 3D parameters during training serves as an
effective substitute, encouraging predictions that maximize
accuracy of the end result.
Our contributions are:
• We propose a more general RGB image to layout al-
gorithm that is suitable for perspective and panoramic