The Force.com Multitenant Architecture: Understanding the Design of Salesforce.com’s Internet Application Development Platform2
Force.com is the preeminent on-demand application development platform in use today,
supporting some 47,000+ organizations. Individual enterprises and commercial software-as-a-
service (SaaS) vendors trust the platform to deliver robust, reliable, Internet-scale applications.
To meet the extreme demands of its large user population, Force.com’s foundation is a metadata-
driven software architecture that enables multitenant applications. is paper explains the patented
technology that makes the Force.com platform fast, scalable, and secure for any type of application.
History has shown that every so often,
incremental advances in technology and
changes in business models create major
paradigm shifts in the way software
applications are designed, built, and delivered to
end users. e invention of personal computers
(PCs), computer networking and graphical
user interfaces (UIs) gave rise to the adoption
of client/server applications over expensive,
inflexible, character-mode mainframe
applications. And today, reliable broadband
Internet access, service-oriented architectures
(SOAs), and the cost inefficiencies of managing
dedicated on-premises applications are
driving a transition toward the delivery of
decomposable, managed, shared, Web-based
services called software as a service (SaaS).
With every paradigm shift comes a new set of
technical challenges, and SaaS is no different.
Yet existing application frameworks are not
designed to address the special needs of
SaaS. is void has given rise to another new
paradigm shift, namely platform as a service
(PaaS). Hosted application platforms are
managed environments specifically designed to
meet the unique challenges of building SaaS
applications and deliver them more cost-
efficiently than ever before.
e focus of this paper is multitenancy,
a fundamental design approach that can
dramatically help improve the manageability
of SaaS applications. is paper defines
multitenancy, explains the benefits of
multitenancy, and demonstrates why metadata-
driven architectures are the premier choice for
implementing multitenancy. After these general
introductions, the bulk of this paper explains
the technical design of Force.com, the world’s
first PaaS, which delivers turnkey multitenancy
for Internet-scale applications. e paper details
Force.com’s patented metadata-driven architecture
components to provide an understanding of
the features used to deliver reliable, secure, and
scalable multitenant applications.
Multitenant Applications
To decrease the cost of delivering the same
application to many different sets of users,
an increasing number of applications are
multitenant rather than single-tenant. Whereas
a traditional single-tenant application requires
a dedicated set of resources to fulfill the
needs of just one organization, a multitenant
application can satisfy the needs of multiple
tenants (companies or departments within a
company, etc.) using the hardware resources and
staff needed to manage just a single software
instance (Figure 1).
Figure 1: A multitenant application cost-efficiently shares
a single stack of resources to satisfy the needs of multiple
Tenants using a multitenant service operate
in virtual isolation from one another:
Organizations can use and customize an
application as though they each have a separate
instance, yet their data and customizations
remain secure and insulated from the activity of
all other tenants. e single application instance
effectively morphs at runtime for any particular
tenant at any given time.
Multitenancy is an architectural approach that
pays dividends to both application providers
and users. Operating just one application
instance for multiple organizations yields
tremendous economy of scale for the provider.
Only one set of hardware resources is necessary
to meet the needs of all users, a relatively
small, experienced administrative staff can
efficiently manage only one stack of software
and hardware, and developers can build and
support a single code base on just one platform
(operating system, database, etc.) rather than
many. e economics afforded by multitenancy
allow the application provider to, in turn,