SEMI E87-0301 © SEMI 1999, 2001 12
10.3.5 Rules for Carrier Attributes
• The equipment shall change object attributes,
Capacity, ContentMap, SlotMap, Substrate count
and Usage, provided by the host. All other
attributes, such as LocationID, shall be set and
maintained by the equipment.
• The attributes, Capacity, ContentMap,, Substrate
count and Usage, shall be provided with Bind,
CarrierNotification, or ProceedWithCarrier service
before or when SlotMap is provided.
• The SlotMap shall be provided with Bind,
CarrierNotification, or ProceedWithCarrier to
verify CarrierID, when the SlotMap verification is
equipment based. And it shall not be provided
when the SlotMap verification is host based.
• Carrier properties may be provided before the
carrier arrives as part of the Bind service and
should be retained until either a CancelBind service
is received or the carrier is removed.
• Carrier properties may also be provided by the
ProceedWithCarrier service. The carrier properties
that are provided by the ProceedWithCarrier
service may differ based whether or not the object
is instantiated by the service.
• Carrier properties that are required shall be actively
updated by the equipment.
10.3.6 Carrier Location A carrier location, signified by LocationID, is
used for tracking carriers as they move through the
equipment. A carrier location is any physical area that
is capable of holding a carrier. It is not intended to
represent entire mechanisms, which may have a variety
of other properties of interest, but only that portion
where a Carrier may rest.
10.3.7 Carrier Location Examples Carrier Locations include load port locations,
substrate port locations, internal buffer locations, as
well as grippers, conveyors, and elevators that are used
internally for moving the carrier from one fixed
location to another.
10.4 Carrier Location Naming
10.4.1 Carrier locations shall be assig ned a unique
name. Information about the carrier location can be ob-
tained by querying the CarrierObject for the LocationID
or by asking the equipment for the CarrierLocation-
Matrix. The text form of the LocationID shall be
descriptive of the location. For example, LocationID
form for load port load/unload location might be “LPn”,
where “n” equal is equal to the load port number (the
load port number is determined through the numbering
rule in Section 9.1). The LocationID form for the FIMS
port location might be “FIMSn”. The LocationID form
for a buffer location might be “BUFn”.
10.5 Load Port Carrier Locations
10.5.1 For fixed buffer equipment co nfigured to
handle FOUPs, a Load Port has two different Carrier
Locations. One represents the place where a Carrier is
delivered and picked up, while the other represents the
place where the Carrier is docked and can be opened.
10.6 Carriers Between Locations
10.6.1 When the carrier is traveling from one location
to another, the location attribute remains equal to the
source location until the carrier movement is complete
and the carrier is resting at the new carrier location (the
destination location).
10.6.2 Usage The Usage parameter indicates the type of
substrate the carrier contains. All Usage values are
equipment specific values. Some internal buffer
equipment manages carriers by establishing logical
partitions. This type of equipment shall use the Usage
parameter to determine which logical partition where
the carrier is held. The Usage parameter can also be
used in conjunction with CarrierProcessingStatus.
10.6.3 Carrier Capacity Status The Carrier Capacity Status parameter can be
sent to the equipment by the host in either the Bind
service or the ProceedWithCarrier service. However the
equipment shall update this parameter based on the
results of the read slot map operation. Furthermore, the
equipment shall update the parameter based on it’s own
actions of adding and removing a substrate to and from
a carrier. If the equipment does not know the value of
CarrierCapacity prior to instantiation, the equipment
shall instantiate the carrier object with the value of
UNDEFINED for CarrierCapacity.
10.6.4 Lot information for ContentMa p Lot is defined in SEMI E90 as a group of one
or more substrates of the same type. It is organized
external to the equipment. The Lot ID is the identifier
of this group. If the equipment is informed of the Lot
ID to which a substrate belongs, the equipment must
maintain this information.
10.6.5 Carrier Accessing Status The CarrierAccessingStatus is used by the
host to know whether or not the carrier owned by the
equipment can be moved out. If the carrier is within the
internal buffer equipment, this status may be used by
the host to issue CarrierOut service.