51, 033001(2014)
Laser & Optoelectronics Progress
蚊香元素成分的 LIBS 检测分析
王鹏展 孙对兄 苏茂根 张倩倩 董晨钟
西北师范大学物理与电子工程学院 甘肃省原子分子物理与功能材料重点实验室, 甘肃 兰州 730070
摘要 激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)作为一项很有前景的元素分析技术,具有原位测量、远程监控等优势,而对蚊香样品
的 LIBS 检测应用是一项较新的课题。为将 LIBS 技术实际应用于环境监测领域,实验中利用时间分辨的激光诱导击
穿光谱技术对蚊香样品的激光等离子体光谱进行了测量和分析,确定出蚊香中 Al、Mn、Mg、Sr、Zn、Ba、Na、Ca、Fe、Si
和 H 的 11 种元素成分;基于等离子体局域热动力学平衡模型,计算了等离子体温度。利用自由定标分析方法计算了
关键词 光谱学;激光诱导击穿光谱;局域热动力学平衡;蚊香元素成分
中图分类号 O433.5
4 文献标识码 A doi: 10.3788/LOP51.033001
Measurement and Analysis on Elemental Composition of Mosquito
Coil by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Wang Pengzhan Sun Duixiong Su Maogen Zhang Qianqian Dong Chenzhong
Key Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Physics and Functional Material of Gansu Province, College of Physics and
Electronic Engineering, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China
Abstract Laser- induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) has been used as a promising element analysis
technique with the advantages of in-situ detection and remote monitoring etc. It is a relatively new task to apply
LIBS to mosquito coil sample. In order to apply LIBS technique in the field related to environmental monitoring,
we use time- resolved LIBS to measure and analyze mosquito coil sample. Eleven kinds of elemental
composition of mosquito coil, which are Al, Mn, Mg, Sr, Zn, Ba, Na, Ca, Fe, Si and H, are identified. Based on
local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) assumption, the plasma temperature is obtained. The relative
concentrations of these elements are estimated by calibration-free method. The experimental result prove that
LIBS can be applied to the rapid and effective detection on the harmful elements.
Key words spectroscopy; laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy; local thermodynamic equilibrium; elemental
composition of mosquito coil
OCIS codes 300.6170; 300.6210; 300.6365; 300.6360
1 引 言
于 LIBS 技术 在元素分析 方面具有无需样 品预处理、近无损测量并 且可以进行 多元素实时测量 等优点
体会 对人 体健康造成影响。目前,已有相关报道介 绍了 蚊香 对人体健康存在以下的一些不良影 响:毒理研
究发现,蚊香烟气会导致实验小鼠 气管上皮细胞和肺泡巨噬细胞发生形态学变化
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收稿日期:2013-11-04;收到修改稿日期:2013-12-16; 网络出版日期: 2014-02-20
作者简介:王鹏展(1988—),女,硕士研究生,主要从事激光等离子体光谱方面的研究。E-mail: wpztina@163.com
导师简介:董晨钟(1962—),男,博士,教授,主要从事原子与分子物理方面的研究。E-mail: dongcz@ nwnu.edu.cn