
0 下载量 55 浏览量 更新于2024-03-09 收藏 1.8MB DOC 举报
"Image processing technology is also advancing. With the progress of science and the increasing level of modernization of life, the application of image technology has become more mature. When encountering dangerous situations or natural disasters, the use of image processing technology to improve the accuracy of image detection and quickly and effectively identify humans will be the future development direction of image detection technology. Image technology for detecting the human body and its outline faces many difficulties, including the diversity of human postures, different clothing, weather factors during shooting, changes in shooting angles, and different backgrounds. This paper analyzes some basic concepts and algorithms of image segmentation and target contour extraction, and then elaborates on the methods for detecting and recognizing humans in the surveillance video. This is done through two steps: single Gaussian background modeling and target detection, and finally, the system design is analyzed and simulated through MATLAB experiments. The key words include: background subtraction, motion target detection, image segmentation, target extraction, and MATLAB."