Miniaturized Dual-Mode Dual-Band BPF Using a Single Square
Patch Loaded Stepped-Impedance Square Open Loop Resonator
Jin Xu
School of Electronics and Information
Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, 710072, P.R. China
Abstract ─ This letter presents a dual-mode dual-
band Bandpass Filter (BPF) using a single Square
Patch Loaded Stepped-Impedance Square Open
Loop Resonator (SPLSISOLR). The first four
Transmission Poles (TPs) of SPLSISOLR can be
tuned freely. A pair of high-impedance microstrip
lines coupled with the resonator are employed to
excite these four TPs to build up a dual-mode
dual-band BPF, with two TPs in each passbands.
The tapped point of the 50 feeding lines can be
freely sliding on the high impedance microstrip
lines, which increases the design freedom of
external quality factor of two passbands. To
validate the proposed method, a dual-band filter
centered at 1.79/5.42 GHz with -3 dB fractional
bandwidth of 4.5%/22.5% and compact size of
× 0.14λ
are designed. The fabricated filter
has the merits of high band-to-band isolation, wide
stopband, DC block and simple design procedure.
Index Terms ─ Bandpass Filter (BPF), dual-band,
dual-mode, open loop resonator, patch resonator.
With the development of modern dual-band
wireless systems, dual-band Bandpass Filter (BPF)
is great in demand for a single RF module to
handle dual communication modes. So far, several
dual-band BPFs have been studied in the past few
years [1-3]. However, at least two resonators are
used in the dual-band BPFs reported in [1-3],
which may result in a relatively large circuit area.
Dual-mode dual-band BPF using a single
resonator becomes a good candidate and has been
widely, owing to its compact size, high
performance, simple physical configuration and
design procedure [4]-[9].
Most of the reported dual-mode dual-band
BPFs with a single resonator are realized by a ring
resonator [4]-[6] or patch resonator [7]-[9]. By
introducing the perturbations, such as C-sections
in [4], loaded open stubs in [5], capacitive
coupling in [6], embedded pair of slots in [7],
cross slot and two sets of loaded stub in [8], arc-
and radial-oriented slots in [9], many more modes
are excited or are capable of being tuned to form
the dual-mode second passband. These reported
filters exhibit their own merits, but it has to admit
that they also suffer from many drawbacks. The
dual-band filters reported in [4], [5], [8], [9] have a
less than 15 dB band-to-band isolation and suffer
from a notch-like stopband on the upper stopband
of the second passbands. Moreover, the dual-band
filters reported in [8] and [9] lack of DC block
function. In addition, two dual-mode dual-band
structures presented in [6] and [7] have a lower
central frequency ratio of two passbands.
In [10], a circular patch loaded uniform-
impedance circular open loop resonator is
proposed to exploit a dual-mode single band BPF.
By using source-load coupling, transmission zeros
are introduced and located on both sides of the
passband, leading to a high passband skirt. In this
paper, a novel Square Patch Loaded Stepped-
Impedance Square Open Loop Resonator
(SPLSISOLR) is proposed to exploit a dual-mode
dual-band BPF. The first four Transmission Poles
(TPs) are utilized and fed by a pair of high-
impedance microstrip lines capacitively coupled
with the resonator. The 50 feeding lines are
directly connected to the high-impedance
microstrip lines, and the tapped point of the 50
feeding lines can be freely sliding on the high-
impedance microstrip lines to increase the design
1054-4887 © 2014 ACES
Submitted On: March 12, 2013
Accepted On: September 5, 2014
ACES JOURNAL, Vol. 29, No. 10, OCTOBER 2014