Average BER of coherent optical QPSK systems with
phase errors over M turbulence channels
Jiashun Hu (胡家顺)
, Zaichen Zhang (张在琛)
*, Liang Wu (吴 亮)
, Jian Dang (党 建)
and Guanghao Zhu (朱广浩)
National Mobile Communications Research Laboratory, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
*Corresponding author: zczhang@seu.edu.cn
Received July 8, 2018; accepted October 24, 2018; posted online November 27, 2018
The average bit-error-rate (BER) performance is studied for a coherent free-space optical communication system
employing differentially encoded quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) with the Mth-power phase estimation
method. A closed-form expression, considering the combined effects of the Málaga (M) turbulence fading, point-
ing errors, and phase estimation errors, is derived in terms of Meijer’s G function. Numerical and Monte Carlo
simulation results are presented to verify the derived expression.
OCIS codes: 010.1300, 010.1330, 060.1660, 060.2605.
doi: 10.3788/COL201816.120101.
Terrestrial free-space optical (FSO) communication is
a technology that transmits optical signals through
the atmosphere. In comparison with radio-frequency
(RF) systems, FSO solutions have lower cost, better secu-
rity, easier installation, and wider and license-free band-
. Recently, FSO communication systems have
earned much research attention
. Intensity modulation
with direct detection (IM/DD) is widely adopted in
commercial FSO communication systems because of its
simplicity. Compared to IM/DD, coherent detection
(CD) is more costly, uses a local oscillator (LO) laser at
the receiver, has higher receiver sensitivity, improved
spectral efficiency, and better background noise rejection,
and avoids using an adaptive threshold
. CD has been
well studied for FSO communications
However, FSO links may suffer from fading due to the
atmospheric turbulence and pointing errors. Many statis-
tical models have been proposed to describe the effect of
atmospheric turbulences. The Málaga (M) distribution is
a generalized statistical model, which unifies most of the
existing turbulence models, such as the lognormal, the
Gamma–Gamma, and the K models
. It matches well
with published simulation data over a wide range of tur-
bulence conditions (weak to strong)
. Pointing errors
originate from the misalignment between the transmitter
and receiver and can severely deteriorate the FSO link
performance. The performance of FSO links over M tur-
bulence channels with and without pointing errors has
been studied in IM/DD
, heterodyne detection
and mixed RF/FSO transmission systems
Besides the atmospheric turbulence and pointing errors,
phase noise is another severe impairment in coherent FSO
communication systems, since it impacts carrier synchro-
. There are two main sources of phase noise in
FSO communication systems: wavefront distortion caused
by the atmospheric turbulence and spontaneous emission
of transmitting and LO lasers. The phase noise induced by
the turbulent atmosphere is proved to obey Gaussian
. Laser phase noise can be simplified as a
zero-mean Gaussian random variable in radio on FSO
(RoFSO) systems, and a closed-form expression for aver-
age bit-error-rate (BER) was derived for Gamma–Gamma
turbulence channels
. Fortunately, phase noise can be
mitigated by carrier synchronization at the receiver. Tra-
ditionally, a phase-locked loop (PLL) is used to recover
the carrier phase. The phase estimation error generated
by the PLL follows a Tikhonov distribution and is
considered in subcarrier phase-shift keying (PSK) FSO
systems under lognormal
and Gamma–Gamma turbu-
lence channels
. This type of phase error is also analyzed
in decode-and-forward (DF) relayed subcarrier FSO links
over M turbulence channels
and coherent FSO commu-
nication systems with heterodyne detection
. But, PLLs
are sensitive to the loop delay, and they exert stringent
laser linewidth (LW) requirements on coherent optical
. Due to the recent development of high-speed
digital signal processing (DSP), simple and efficient
DSP algorithms can be employed to compensate time-
varying transmission impairments, including carrier syn-
chronization for optical fiber systems. The Mth-power
phase estimation method is a commonly used algorithm
for quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) (M ¼ 4)
The distribution of the phase estimation error related
to this method is approximately Gaussian, as it was de-
rived in Ref. [
24]. The error-rate performance of DSP-
based coherent optical fiber systems has been studied
However, to the authors’ best knowledge, no prior work
has studied the effect of Gaussian phase error on the
BER performance of the DSP-based coherent optical
QPSK systems over turbulence channels.
In this Letter, we investigate the average BER of differ-
entially encoded QPSK, considering the joint effects of the
M turbulence fading, pointing errors, and Gaussian phase
errors. We adopt the homodyne detection scheme, which
COL 16(12), 120101(2018) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS December 10, 2018
1671-7694/2018/120101(5) 120101-1 © 2018 Chinese Optics Letters