第 15卷第3期 空 军 工 程 大 学 学 报 (自然科学版) Vq)15 No.3
基于CSRR的 SIW 和 HMSIW 小型化滤波器设计
赵 杰 \ 李 丹 \ 童 创 明 1 2 , 邹 雄 1
摘要为了实现滤波器的小型化,通过在基片集成波导(S I W ) 和半模基片集成波导(H M S I W )
上表面加载互补开口谐振环(C S R R ) 可以降低原来的截止频率,并分析了 C S R R 参数变化与单
元个数对传输性能的影响,从而设计了小型化的C S R R - S I W 和 C S R R - H M S I W 滤波器。测量
结果显示H M S I W 滤波器的相对带宽是S I W 滤波器的3 倍 以 上,约 为 10.24%,而有效电路面
积 仅 为 S I W 滤波器的一半,为 31.8X11.3 m m 2。测量结果与仿真结果基本吻合,验证了滤波器
设计的有效性,2 种滤波器可以广泛应用于微波毫米波系统中。
DOI 10. 3969/j. issn. 1009-3516. 2014. 03. 007
中图分类号 TN713; TN015 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1009-3516(2014)03-0029-04
A Design of Novel Miniature Filters of SIW and HMSIW Based
on Complementary Split ring Resonators
Z H A O Jie1,LI Dan1,T O N G Chuang-ming1’2,Z O U Xiong1
(1. Air and MissileDefense College,Air Force Engineering University,XYan 710051,China;
2. State Key Lab. of Millimeter Waves,Nanjing 210096,China)
Abstract:In order to realize the miniaturization of filter,a complementary split ring resonator (CSRRs) is
loaded on the upper- surface of substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) and half-mode substrate integrated
waveguide ( H M S I W ) to reduce the original cutoff frequency. This paper analyzes the influence of parame
ter variation and element number of C S R R on the transmition performance so as to design novel miniature
filters of SIW and H M S I W integrated CSRRs. The measurements show that the relative bandwidth of
H M S I W filter is more than three imes as wide as that of CSR R-SIW filter,i.e. about 10.24%,and the ef
fective circuit area of it is only 31. 8X11. 3 m m 2 ,i.e. about half of that o f C S R R - S I W filter. The result
shows that the designed filters are effective,and these two kinds of filters can be widely used in microwave
and millimeter-wave systems.
Key words : complementary split ring resonator; cutoff frequency; substrate integrated waveguide; minia
收稿 日 期:2013-05-21
基金 项 目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(61372033)陕西省自然科学基础研究计划资助项目(2011JM8025)
作者 简 介:赵 杰 (966 —),男 ,陕西西安 人,副教授 ,主要从事微波毫米波电路与系统研究.E-mail:dycmtong@126.com
引用格式:赵 杰,李丹,童创明,等 . 基 于 CSRR的 SIW 和 HMSIW 小型化滤波器设计[J] . 空军工程大学学报:自然科学版,2014,15(3) :29_
32. ZHAO Jie,LI Dan’TONG Ch uang-ming f et al.A design of novel miniature filters of SIW and HMSIW based on compi em en tary split-ring re-
sonator^JJ .Journal of air force engineering university: natural science edition,2014,15(3) :29_32.