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收藏 498KB DOC 举报
总而言之,配电自动化终端预调试规范FTU.doc是一项非常重要的文件,它规定了配电自动化终端在安装和调试过程中的操作流程和标准,确保了设备的正常运行和系统的稳定性,为用户提供了可靠的电力供应。Strict compliance with the requirements of the FTU.doc on the pre-commissioning of the distribution automation terminal can ensure the safe and stable operation of the distribution system and provide reliable power supply for users. After the pre-commissioning and acceptance operation, the distribution automation terminal can better meet the needs of the distribution line and improve the operating efficiency of the entire distribution system. In summary, the FTU.doc for the pre-commissioning of distribution automation terminals is a very important document that specifies the operating procedures and standards for the installation and commissioning of distribution automation terminals, ensuring the normal operation of equipment and the stability of the system, and providing users with reliable power supply.
2021-10-03 上传
176 浏览量
2021-10-03 上传
2021-10-03 上传
2021-09-29 上传

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