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资源摘要信息:"Simple Black Jack Card Game in JavaScript Free Source Code.zip" 知识点: 1. JavaScript基础: JavaScript是一种广泛用于网页开发的编程语言,它能实现用户交互、数据操作、动画效果等多种功能。本资源通过一个简易的黑杰克卡牌游戏的源码展示JavaScript的基本应用。 2. 黑杰克游戏规则: 黑杰克是一款流行的赌场纸牌游戏,玩家的目标是尽量让手中牌的总点数接近21点,但不能超过。通过本资源,可以学习到如何用JavaScript来实现黑杰克的游戏规则,包括发牌、计分、判断胜负等。 3. HTML5与JavaScript的结合: 现代网页游戏常常将HTML5和JavaScript结合起来。HTML5用于构建游戏的框架和界面,而JavaScript则用来编写游戏逻辑。该资源展示了如何将HTML5元素和JavaScript脚本互相配合,共同构建出一个交互式的游戏体验。 4. DOM操作: Document Object Model (文档对象模型)是HTML和XML文档的编程接口。本资源中通过JavaScript操作DOM来更新游戏界面、添加新的卡牌到游戏中,以及响应用户的点击事件等。 5. 事件处理: JavaScript中的事件处理是响应用户动作(如点击、按键等)的关键机制。通过本资源,可以学习到如何编写事件监听器来响应游戏中的各种用户交互事件。 6. JavaScript面向对象编程: 简易黑杰克游戏的源码可能会使用面向对象编程(OOP)的概念来组织代码,例如创建Card类、Hand类等。这有助于代码的模块化、复用和管理。 7. 随机数生成与概率: 在黑杰克游戏中,洗牌和发牌需要随机算法。JavaScript内置的Math对象可以用于生成随机数,通过学习该资源中的实现,可以了解到如何在游戏开发中利用随机性来模拟真实世界中的随机事件。 8. 数据结构: 在实现黑杰克游戏逻辑时,需要使用合适的数据结构来存储游戏状态、玩家手牌等信息。资源可能会涉及到数组、对象等JavaScript基本数据结构的使用。 9. 游戏循环与动画: 现代游戏开发中常涉及到游戏循环,控制游戏的运行流程。JavaScript的定时器函数(如setTimeout和setInterval)可能被用来创建游戏循环,实现动画效果。 10. 版本控制: 虽然文件中未明确提及,但作为免费源代码,该资源可能存放在使用版本控制系统的代码仓库中(如GitHub),这可以让学习者了解开源项目是如何组织和版本控制的。 总结来说,"Simple Black Jack Card Game in JavaScript Free Source Code.zip"不仅提供了一个简易黑杰克游戏的源代码,还涉及到JavaScript编程的诸多关键知识点,是学习网页游戏开发和JavaScript编程的宝贵资源。

Dog Card is a card game. In the game, there are a total of 2n cards in the deck, each card has a value, and the values of these 2n cards form a permutation of 1 ~ 2n. There is a skill that works as follows: 1. Draw a card from the top of the deck. 2. If the deck is empty, then skip to step 3, otherwise you guess whether the card on the top of the deck has a higher value than your last drawn card and draw a card from the top of the deck. If your guess is correct, then repeat this step, otherwise skip to step 3. 3. End this process. Nana enjoys playing this game, although she may not be skilled at it. Therefore, her guessing strategy when using this skill is simple: if the value of the last drawn card is less than or equal to n, then she guesses that the next oard's valve is higher, ther wse, she guedses thet the next card's vaue s lomler she wârns tb dmokt tor anfafrhlm decks of cards (Obviously, there are (2n)! cases), how many cards she can draw in total if she uses the skill only once in each case. Since this number can be very large,please provide the answer modulo a given value.Dog Card is a card game. In the game, there are a total of 2n cards in the deck, each card has a value, and the values of these 2n cards form a permutation of 1 ~ 2n. There is a skill that works as follows: 1. Draw a card from the top of the deck. 2. If the deck is empty, then skip to step 3, otherwise you guess whether the card on the top of the deck has a higher value than your last drawn card and draw a card from the top of the deck. If your guess is correct, then repeat this step, otherwise skip to step 3. 3. End this process. Nana enjoys playing this game, although she may not be skilled at it. Therefore, her guessing strategy when using this skill is simple: if the value of the last drawn card is less than or equal to n, then she guesses that the next oard's valve is higher, ther wse, she guedses thet the next card's vaue s lomler she wârns tb dmokt tor anfafrhlm decks of cards (Obviously, there are (2n)! cases), how many cards she can draw in total if she uses the skill only once in each case. Since this number can be very large,please provide the answer modulo a given value.给出c++代码及中文解释

2023-07-25 上传