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资源摘要信息:"蒂法模型-学习贴图调节效果.zip文件包含了在Unity和虚幻引擎中学习和调整贴图效果所需的资源。文件中提供了精细质量的贴图和模型文件,用于帮助用户更好地理解贴图调节技术,并应用于3D模型的制作与优化。" 1. Unity引擎与虚幻引擎(Unreal Engine)基础 Unity和虚幻引擎是目前流行的两大游戏开发引擎,它们各自拥有强大的3D图形渲染能力和物理模拟系统。学习如何在这两种引擎中调节贴图,对于3D模型的视觉表现至关重要。 Unity引擎使用C#作为主要编程语言,并提供了全面的视觉编辑工具,适用于跨平台游戏开发。虚幻引擎则使用其内置的蓝图系统(Blueprints)进行可视化编程,并支持使用C++进行底层开发,能够创建出高质量的视觉效果。 2. 贴图调节的概念与应用 在3D模型制作过程中,贴图是纹理贴图的简称,指的是将2D图像应用到3D模型表面,以此来增加模型的细节和真实感。贴图调节是指对这些2D图像的色彩、亮度、对比度、透明度等属性进行修改,从而达到期望的视觉效果。 贴图调节涉及的技术包括但不限于:UV展开、纹理映射、法线贴图、遮罩贴图、环境贴图等。在实际操作中,开发者需要掌握如何根据模型的材质、光照条件、游戏风格等因素来选择合适的贴图类型和调节参数。 3. 高质量模型与贴图的意义 文件中的“蒂法模型”提示了模型和贴图的高质量属性。高质量模型通常拥有详细的几何结构和精细的表面处理,而高质量贴图则能更好地与模型相融合,增强模型的质感和视觉冲击力。在游戏和虚拟现实等应用中,这直接关系到用户体验的质量。 4. 文件内容详解 文件名称列表中包含了多个以Tifa为名的文件,其中Tifa是动漫《最终幻想VII》中的角色。文件列表中的文件扩展名包括.tga和.obj,以及.mesh。.tga是一种常见于图像文件的格式,支持24位和32位颜色深度;.obj和.mesh则是常见的3D模型文件格式,分别用于存储3D模型的几何数据和网格结构。 具体到文件名: - Tifa_Head_N.tga、Tifa_Head_S.tga:这些文件可能是角色头部的法线贴图或漫反射贴图,用于表现角色头部的高光和阴影细节。 - Tifa_Dress_D.tga、Tifa_Dress_A.tga、Tifa_Dress_N.tga:这些文件可能是角色服装的不同纹理贴图,用于显示不同光照效果下服装的材质特性。 - Tifa_Eye_S.tga、Tifa_Mouth_N.tga、Tifa_Mouth_S.tga:这些文件可能是角色眼睛和嘴巴的贴图,包含了细节层次和色彩信息。 - 0.obj、generic_item.mesh:obj文件可能包含了模型的基本几何结构,而.mesh文件则可能是特定于某个游戏引擎的网格数据文件。 5. 学习资源的进一步利用 针对所提供的资源,开发者可以通过学习如何将这些贴图应用到3D模型上,以及如何调整和优化这些贴图来达到理想的效果。学习的途径包括官方文档、在线教程、社区论坛、技术博客和开发者分享的案例研究等。 总结来说,"蒂法模型-学习贴图调节效果.zip"为用户提供了一套高质量的模型和贴图资源,可以用于深入学习Unity和虚幻引擎中的贴图调节技术,从而提升3D模型制作和视觉效果的专业水平。
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【视频教程】Hands-on Three.js 3D Web Visualisations-September 16, 2019.part2.rar Hands-on Three.js 3D Web Visualisations September 16, 2019 English | MP4 | AVC 1920×1080 | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 3h 46m | 968 MB eLearning | Skill level: All Levels Create stunning visualizations and 3D scenes using the Three.js library Three.js is the most popular JavaScript library for displaying 3D content on the web, giving you the power to display incredible models, games, music videos, and scientific/data visualizations in your browser and even on your smartphone! This course begins with a 3D beginner-level primer to 3D concepts and some basic examples to get you started with the most important features that Three.js has to offer. You’ll learn how to quickly create a scene, camera, and renderer and how to add meshes using the Geometry primitives included with the library. You’ll explore troubleshooting steps that will focus on some of the common pitfalls developers face. You’ll learn the very sophisticated animation system included with the library. The course concludes by introducing post-processing, essentially adding filters to your rendered scene, and GLSL, the shading language that is used by all materials included with the library. You’ll see how creating your materials is easier than you’d imagine using GLSL. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to quickly add advanced features to your 3D scenes, improve the way users interact with them, and make them look stunning. Learn Learn the basics of 3D applications: vertices, faces, meshes, cameras, and renderers Learn how to set up a Three.js web app: the scene, camera, and renderer Master the scene hierarchy and child-parent relationships, and how they affect the final location and orientation of objects Explore simple mesh shapes (such as boxes, spheres, cylinders, planes, and cones) using the Three.js library Learn how to source, create, and load complex assets, including textures Discover how to use the brilliant animation system that is part of the THREE.js library Add a post-processor to a rendered image, to make it look like an old film or a dot screenprint + Table of Contents 1 The Course Overview 2 Introducing the THREE.js website 3 D Basics 4 Your first THREE.js web page` 5 The THREE.js Editor 6 Debugging Your Pages 7 Let’s Keep It Simple – Starting with a Box 8 Materials One – Basic and Wireframe 9 Spheres and Cylinders 10 Materials Two – Lambert and Phong 11 Cones and Tori 12 Scene Hierarchy 13 Perspective Camera 14 Orthographic Camera 15 Dummy Cameras and Lerping 16 Complex Camera Paths 17 Ambient and Hemisphere Lighting 18 Directional and Point Lighting 19 Spot and RectArea Lighting 20 Adding Shadows to Your Scenes 21 Physically Correct Lighting 22 Online Sources of 3D Assets 23 Using Blender with THREE.js 24 The GLTFLoader Class 25 The FBXLoader Class 26 LatheGeometry and ExtrudeGeometry 27 The Basics of the Animation System 28 Skinned Meshes 29 Switching and Blending Animations 30 Splitting an Animation Clip 31 A WASD Control System for a Player Character 32 THREE.js Post Processing 33 Introducing GLSL – ShaderMaterial 34 Introducing GLSL – Vertex Shaders 35 Introducing GLSL – Importance of Noise Function 36 Introducing GLSL – Textures