SSIM = 1
(a) Original (1080p)
(b) Content-aware DNN
(c) Content-agnostic DNN
(d) 240p
Figure 2: 240p to 1080p super-resolution results
(Content type – 1st row: Game [15], 2nd row: Entertainment [14], 3rd row: News [16])
processing used in Facebook. ExCamera [31] uses mas-
sive parallelism to enable interactive and collaborative
editing. They focus on solving distributed system prob-
lems within a datacenter without changing the clients,
whereas we focus on the division of work between the
servers and clients.
Studies on video control plane
[32, 41, 44, 51] identify
spatial and temporal diversity of CDNs in performance
and advocate for an Internet-scale control plane which
coordinates client behaviors to collectively optimize user
QoE. Although they control client behaviors, they do not
utilize client computation to directly enhance the video
4 Key Design Choices
Achieving our goal requires redesigning major compo-
nents of video delivery. This section describes the key
design choices we make to overcome practical challenges.
4.1 Content-aware DNN
Key challenge.
Developing a universal DNN model that
works well across all Internet video is impractical be-
cause the number of video episodes is almost infinite.
A single DNN of finite capacity, in principle, may not
be expressive enough to capture all of them. Note, a
fundamental trade-off exists between generalization and
specialization for any machine learning approach (i.e.,
as the model coverage becomes larger, its performance
degrades), which is referred to as the ‘no free lunch’ the-
orem [75]. Even worse, one can generate ‘adversarial’
new videos of arbitrarily low quality, given any existing
DNN model [38, 58], making the service vulnerable to
reduction of quality attacks.
NAS’ content-aware model.
To tackle the challenge, we
consider a content-aware DNN model in which we use a
Large timescale redundancy
Short timescales
: Intra-frame coding
: Inter-frame coding
Group of Pictures (GOP)
H.26x, VPx
Recover high-quality redundancy
(e.g., Super-resolution)
Content-aware DNN
Figure 3: Content-aware DNN based video encoding
different DNN for each video episode. This is attractive
because DNNs typically achieve near-zero training error,
but the testing error is often much higher (i.e., over-fitting
occurs) [67]. Although the deep learning community
has made extensive efforts to reduce the gap [40, 67],
relying on the DNN’s testing accuracy may result in un-
predictable performance [38, 58].
exploits DNN’s
inherent overfitting property to guarantee reliable and
superior performance.
Figure 2 shows the super-resolution results of our
content-aware DNN and a content-agnostic DNN
trained on standard benchmark images (NTIRE 2017
dataset [19]). We use 240p images as input (d) to the
super-resolution DNNs to produce output (b) or (c). The
images are snapshots of video clips from YouTube. The
generic, universal model fails to achieve high quality con-
sistently over a variety of contents—in certain cases, the
quality degrades after processing. In
5.1, we show how
to design a content-aware DNN for adaptive streaming.
The content-aware approach can be seen as a type of
video compression as illustrated in Figure 3. The content-
aware DNN captures redundancy that occurs at large time
scales (e.g. multiple GOPs) and operates over the entire
video. In contrast, the conventional codecs deals with re-
648 13th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation USENIX Association