Fig. 1. Example of basic access mechanism.
mitting stations employ the RTS/CTS mechanism, collision oc-
curs only on the RTS frames, and it is early detected by the
transmitting stations by the lack of CTS responses. A quanti-
tative analysis will be carried out in Section VII.
In this paper we concentrate on the “Saturation Throughput”.
This is a fundamental performance figure defined as the limit
reached by the system throughput as the offered load increases,
and represents the maximum load that the system can carry in
stable conditions.
It is well known that several random access schemes exhibit
an unstable behavior. In particular, as the offered load increases,
the throughput grows up to a maximum value, referred to as
“maximum throughput.” However, further increases of the
offered load lead to an eventually significant decrease in the
system throughput. This results in the practical impossibility to
operate the random access scheme at its maximum throughput
for a “long” period of time, and thus in the practical mean-
ingless of the maximum throughput as performance figure
for the access scheme. The mathematical formulation and
interpretation of this instability problem is the object of a wide
and general discussion in [13].
Indeed, the 802.11 protocol is known to exhibits some form
of instability (see, e.g., [5], and [11]). To visualize the unstable
behaviour of 802.11, in Fig. 3 we have run simulations in which
the offered load linearly increases with the simulation time. The
general simulation model and parameters employed are summa-
rized in Section V. The results reported in the figure are obtained
with 20 stations. The straight line represents the ideal offered
load, normalized with respect of the channel capacity. The sim-
ulated offered load has been generated according to a Poisson
arrival process of fixed size packets (payload equal to 8184 bits),
where the arrival rate has been varied throughout the simulation
to match the ideal offered load. The figure reports both offered
load and system throughput measured over 20 s time intervals,
and normalized with respect to the channel rate.
From the figure, we see that the measured throughput follows
closely the measured offered load for the first 260 s of sim-
ulation, while it asymptotically drops to the value 0.68 in the
second part of the simulation run. This asymptotic throughput
value is referred to, in this paper, as saturation throughput, and
represents the system throughput in overload conditions. Note
than, during the simulation run, the instantaneous throughput
temporarily increases over the saturation value (up to 0.74 in
Fig. 2. RTS/CTS Access Mechanism.
Fig. 3. Measured Throughput with slowly increasing offered load.
the example considered), but ultimately it decreases and stabi-
lizes to the saturation value. Queue build-up is observed in such
a condition.
The core contribution of this paper is the analytical evalu-
ation of the saturation throughput, in the assumption of ideal
channel conditions (i.e., no hidden terminals and capture [6]).
In the analysis, we assume a fixed number of stations, each al-
ways having a packet available for transmission. In other words,
we operate in saturation conditions, i.e., the transmission queue
of each station is assumed to be always nonempty.
The analysis is divided into two distinct parts. First, we study
the behavior of a single station with a Markov model, and we
obtain the stationary probability
that the station transmits a
packet in a generic (i.e., randomly chosen) slot time. This prob-
ability does not depend on the access mechanism (i.e., Basic
or RTS/CTS) employed. Then, by studying the events that can
occur within a generic slot time, we express the throughput of
both Basic and RTS/CTS access methods (as well as of a com-
bination of the two) as function of the computed value
A. Packet Transmission Probability
Consider a fixed number
of contending stations. In satura-
tion conditions, each station has immediately a packet available