PEX 8608:PCIe Gen2 8端口5.0Gbps交换器详解

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PEX 8608是一款高性能的PCIe Gen 2 8-lane 8-port PCI Express交换器,由ExpressLane™技术提供支持。该设备的主要特性包括: 1. **PCIe Switching Capability** - PEX 8608集成了5.0 Gbps的SerDes,提供了非阻塞的内部架构,确保所有端口都能实现全速率传输,减少延迟至130 ns,支持最大2 KB的负载数据包。 2. **Standard Compliance** - 设备符合PCI Express Base Specification v2.0标准,兼容PCIe r1.0a/1.1版本,同时支持PCI Power Management Specification v1.2,确保与Microsoft Vista系统的兼容性,并支持访问控制服务、动态链接宽度控制和动态SerDes速度调整。 3. **High Performance** - PEX 8608具有卓越的性能,能够在所有端口上实现线速传输,具备智能带宽分配(Read Pacing)功能,以及双播(DualCast)能力,支持双主机和故障切换。 4. **Flexibility and Configurability** - 该设备具有8个可配置端口,支持x1或x4模式,允许通过strap pins、EEPROM、I2C或主机软件进行配置。同时,支持lane和polarity反转,增加了设计的灵活性。 5. **Power Management** - PEX 8608支持多种Link Power Management状态(L0, L0s, L1, L2/L3 Ready, L3),并能在D0和D3热插拔状态下工作。此外,它采用 Spread Spectrum Clock技术,有助于降低电磁干扰。 6. **Advanced Features** - 包括可配置的非透明端口、可移动上游端口和交叉链接端口功能,以及支持在多主机场景下的高效通信。 PEX 8608是一款高度灵活且高性能的PCIe交换器,适用于通信平台、控制平面应用和嵌入式系统等需要高带宽、低延迟和强大扩展性的场景。通过其丰富的特性,该设备能够适应各种复杂的系统架构,优化设备间的通信效率。

PCX1 = 1.5482 $Shape factor Cfx for longitudinal force PDX1 = 1.1632 $Longitudinal friction Mux at Fznom PDX2 = -0.11154 $Variation of friction Mux with load PDX3 = 0.94173 $Variation of friction Mux with camber squared PEX1 = 0.27 $Longitudinal curvature Efx at Fznom PEX2 = 0.011693 $Variation of curvature Efx with load PEX3 = 0.053303 $Variation of curvature Efx with load squared PEX4 = 0.59223 $Factor in curvature Efx while driving PKX1 = 32.9102 $Longitudinal slip stiffness Kfx/Fz at Fznom PKX2 = 12.7911 $Variation of slip stiffness Kfx/Fz with load PKX3 = -0.11254 $Exponent in slip stiffness Kfx/Fz with load PHX1 = -0.0017527 $Horizontal shift Shx at Fznom PHX2 = 0.00068824 $Variation of shift Shx with load PVX1 = 0.068079 $Vertical shift Svx/Fz at Fznom PVX2 = 0.0023429 $Variation of shift Svx/Fz with load PPX1 = -0.8733 $linear influence of inflation pressure on longitudinal slip stiffness PPX2 = 0.7035 $quadratic influence of inflation pressure on longitudinal slip stiffness PPX3 = -0.0080216 $linear influence of inflation pressure on peak longitudinal friction PPX4 = -0.47776 $quadratic influence of inflation pressure on peak longitudinal friction RBX1 = 18.3369 $Slope factor for combined slip Fx reduction RBX2 = 18.2559 $Variation of slope Fx reduction with kappa RBX3 = 607.8133 $Influence of camber on stiffness for Fx combined RCX1 = 0.96372 $Shape factor for combined slip Fx reduction REX1 = -1.2699 $Curvature factor of combined Fx REX2 = -0.14323 $Curvature factor of combined Fx with load RHX1 = 0.0037359 $Shift factor for combined slip Fx reduction帮我做成表格

2023-06-12 上传