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is article is based on the development of a shopping website project using Thinkphp. It first considers the development potential of shopping websites in the context of the development of e-commerce websites. It then outlines the design plan and functional content of the shopping website system to be developed in this project. This project will be connected to the Internet and will adopt the B/S model. The development of this project is based on the needs of existing shopping traffic, so it provides a high-quality, high-profit, high-quality, and user-friendly browsing experience. The system of this project includes some essential functions of shopping websites to provide you with the convenience and experience of online shopping: detailed product display, convenient user registration and login, shopping cart collection, etc.
In terms of design, this project is developed based on the Thinkphp framework, and it adopts the MVC development model design concept. It combines controllers, views, templates, and SQL Server databases to connect the front-end and back-end of the project. This saves developers' development costs, makes project development easier to complete, and creates a high-quality shopping website focusing on "fashion clothing".
Keywords: shopping website, Thinkphp, SQL Server, MVC development model.
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