Physics Letters B 773 (2017) 219–224
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Physics Letters B
Gravitational waves as a new probe of Bose–Einstein condensate Dark
P.S. Bhupal Dev
, Manfred Lindner
, Sebastian Ohmer
Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Department of Physics and McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history:
26 June 2017
in revised form 15 August 2017
18 August 2017
online 23 August 2017
A. Ringwald
There exists a class of ultralight Dark Matter (DM) models which could give rise to a Bose–Einstein
condensate (BEC) in the early universe and behave as a single coherent wave instead of individual
particles in galaxies. We show that a generic BEC-DM halo intervening along the line of sight of a
gravitational wave (GW) signal could induce an observable change in the speed of GWs, with the effective
refractive index depending only on the mass and self-interaction of the constituent DM particles and the
GW frequency. Hence, we propose to use the deviation in the speed of GWs as a new probe of the
BEC-DM parameter space. With a multi-messenger approach to GW astronomy and/or with extended
sensitivity to lower GW frequencies, the entire BEC-DM parameter space can be effectively probed by our
new method in the near future.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
( Funded by SCOAP
1. Introduction
Although the existence of Dark Matter (DM) constituting about
27% of the energy budget of our Universe [1] is by now well
established through various cosmological and astrophysical obser-
very little is known about its particle nature and interac-
While the standard CDM model with collisionless cold DM
(CDM) successfully explains the large-scale structure formation by
the hierarchical clustering of DM fluctuations [2,3], there are some
unresolved issues on galactic and sub-galactic scales, such as the
core-cusp [4–7], missing satellite [8–11], and too big to fail [12–14]
All these small-scale structure anomalies can in princi-
be resolved if the DM is made up of ultralight bosons that form
a Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC), i.e. a single coherent macro-
wave function with long range correlation; for a review, see
e.g., Ref. [15].
are two classes of BEC-DM, depending on whether DM
self interactions are present or not. Without any self interactions,
the quantum pressure of localized particles is sufficient to stabi-
the DM halo against gravitational collapse only for a very light
DM with mass m ∼ 10
eV [16–21], whereas a small repulsive
self-interaction can allow a much wider range of DM masses up to
Corresponding author.
address: (P.S.B. Dev).
m 1eV[22–26].
Concrete particle physics examples for BEC-DM
are WISPs (Weakly Interacting Slim Particles) [33], which include
the QCD axion or axion-like particles [34–42] and hidden-sector
gauge bosons [43–46] ubiquitous in string theories, but our subse-
discussion will be generically applicable to any BEC-DM with
a repulsive self-interaction, which is necessary to obtain long-range
effects [41].
The observational consequences on structure formation men-
above cannot distinguish a BEC-DM from an ordinary
self-interacting DM [48]. Existing distinction methods include en-
integrated Sachs–Wolfe effect [34], tidal torquing of galac-
halos [42,49,50], and effects on cosmic microwave background
matter power spectrum [51,52]. We propose a new method to
probe the BEC-DM parameter space using gravitational wave (GW)
astronomy, inspired by the recent discovery of transient GW sig-
at LIGO [53,54]. We show that if GWs pass through a BEC-DM
halo on their way to Earth, the small spacetime distortions asso-
with them could produce phononic excitations in the BEC
BEC configurations with heavier DM and/or an attractive self-interaction are
usually unstable against gravity [27] and more likely to form local dense clumps
such as Bose stars [28–32], unless the thermalization rate is faster than the Hubble
rate to overcome the Jeans instability.
Although the simplest models, where the scalar potential has an approximate
symmetry to ensure the radiative stability of the ultralight scalar, usually give rise
to an attractive self-interaction in the non-relativistic limit, it is possible to have
realistic models with repulsive self-interaction [26,47].
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( Funded by