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《构建iPhone和iPad电子项目》是一本由Mike Westerfield所著的专业书籍,它聚焦于iOS设备(特别是iPhone和iPad)周边传感器的编程技术。这本书旨在引导读者通过实践操作,深入理解如何利用这些传感器进行创新的硬件交互设计,将电子项目与苹果设备无缝集成。作者在版权页明确表示,本书享有2013年James M. Westerfield的全部权利,并强调了在美国出版的信息以及O'Reilly Media公司的发行和销售政策。 书中详细介绍了各种传感器的类型,如加速度计、陀螺仪、环境光传感器、磁力计、触觉反馈器等,以及它们在应用程序中的实际应用。读者可以学习到如何通过Objective-C或Swift编程语言,实现对这些传感器数据的获取、处理和展示,从而创建出具有实用性和娱乐性的应用程序,如健康监测、位置服务增强、游戏控制等功能。 此外,书中还涵盖了开发过程中的调试技巧、错误处理方法以及用户体验优化策略,确保项目的成功实施。该书是电子工程、iOS开发以及希望扩展硬件交互能力的开发者们的宝贵参考资料,无论是初学者还是有一定经验的开发者,都能从中收获实用的知识和技术。 对于那些希望通过在线购买获取更多资源的读者,O'Reilly官网提供了电子版的选择,网址为<>,并鼓励教育机构和个人商务用户联系他们获取更多信息。该书于2013年9月首次发布,后续可能有修订版以适应技术更新。对于任何发现印刷错误的读者,可以通过O'Reilly的在线错误报告系统获取最新修正详情。 《Building iPhone and iPad Electronic Projects》是一本深入浅出的指南,它不仅阐述了iOS设备传感器的基础理论,更提供了丰富的实战案例和实践经验,对于想要在移动开发领域探索硬件扩展的开发人员来说,是不可或缺的学习资源。
2009-06-26 上传
Product Description iPhone games are hot! Just look at the App Store. Over 25% of apps are games, and 70% of the most popular apps are games. Surprised? Of course not! We've all filled our iPhones with games, and each of us hopes to develop the next best-selling, hottest game! This book is a collection of must-know information from master independent iPhone game developers. Find out how some of the most innovative and creative game developers have made it to the pinnacle of game design and profitability. It's loaded with practical tips for efficient development and creating compelling, totally addictive gaming experiences. And it's not all talk! It's packed with code that you can download and use to realize your own great ideas. This book's authors are responsible for some of the all-time most popular and talked-about games: Brian Greenstone developed Enigmo and Cro-Mag Rally. Aaron Fothergill developed Flick Fishing. Mike Lee developed Tap Tap Revolution, the most downloaded game in App Store history. Mike Kasprzak's Smiles was a finalist in the IGF 2009 Best mobile game competition. PJ Cabrera, Richard Zito and Matthew Aitken (Quick Draw, Pole2Pole), Joachim Bondo (Deep Green), and Olivier Hennessy and Clayton Kane (Apache Lander), have received glowing reviews and accolades for their games. Pair iPhone Games Projects with Apress's best-selling Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK, and you'll have everything you need to create the next game to top the sales charts. What you’ll learn Optimizing games using iPhone SDK tools such as Instruments and Shark, and optimizing your graphics and sound files for the best performance Insight into the art and craft of game design Implementing social networking into your game with RESTful web services Tips on rapid game development with C on iPhone Increasing your market by developing games that run on the iPhone, Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows Creating multiplayer iPhone games Who is this book for? All iPhone game developers, and anyone with an iPhone who wants to know how to make games About the Author PJ Cabrera is a software engineer with more than 12 years of experience developing infor- mation systems in various industries, programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Python, and Ruby. But his real passion for many years has been hacking gadgets (i.e., turning a Sega Dreamcast into a NetBSD router, or running Android and Debian GNU/Linux on a Palm TX) and making home-brewed games for consoles such as Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, GameBoy Advance, and PSP. He is very excited that he can finally share his creative side on iPhone and XBox 360 with the general public through the App Store and XNA Community Games.