现代滑雪场管理系统:JSP SSH开发实例及数据库设计文献总结

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The ski industry has seen rapid development, bringing skiing into people's lives. Ski resort management personnel have strengthened internal management, implemented scientific management decisions at all levels, and formulated accurate management plans. Under the organization of the management department, modern management system methods are used to rationally utilize existing resources to achieve the strategic goals of the ski resort. The creation of a ski industry management model with Chinese characteristics will promote the vigorous development of China's economy, culture, and sports industries. Through the ski resort management system platform, the information, networking, systematization, and standardization of ski equipment rental can be realized, freeing users from the tedious tasks of data querying and statistics to better understand the rental and profit situation. The main functions of the system include member information management, equipment information management, rental and return management, and cash flow statistics. This system primarily uses JSP as the development language for the front end, MySQL as the database management system for the back end, MyEclipse as the development environment, Tomcat as the server, resulting in a B/S structured ski resort management system based on web technology. Keywords: ski resort, cash management, JSP, B/S structure.
2023-06-10 上传