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The designing of CNC interpolation software is a crucial aspect in the overall functionality of a CNC system. Interpolation plays a key role in determining the precision, speed, and processing capabilities of the system. While most CNC machines are capable of linear and circular interpolation, the lack of parabolic interpolation functionality limits the versatility of these machines.
Existing literature has discussed interpolation methods for linear and circular paths, such as point-by-point comparison and integral interpolation. However, there is limited information available on parabolic interpolation methods. This paper introduces two algorithms for parabolic interpolation and presents a VB language-based software designed specifically for parabolic interpolation, suitable for educational simulation experiments.
Key words: Interpolation, Parabolic, Point-by-point comparison method, Numerical integration method, Simulation, Interpolation software.
2023-07-04 上传
2021-10-08 上传
132 浏览量
2021-10-06 上传
2021-09-28 上传
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