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Introduction to I3C, Differences between I2C and I3C, I3C Compatibility; With the increasing number of sensors included in devices, the limitations of the traditional I2C/SPI interfaces on sensors are becoming more and more apparent. The I3C bus can be used in various sensors and can be utilized in any device with traditional I2C/SPI/UART interfaces; Contents 1. Limitations of I2C 2. Application Scenarios of I3C 3. I3C Interface 4. Compatibility between I3C and I2C
1. Limitations of I2C
As devices continue to include more sensors, the limitations of using I2C/SPI interfaces on these sensors are becoming increasingly evident. Some typical drawbacks include:
- The increasing number of sensors puts more stringent requirements on the speed and power consumption of the control bus;
- Despite I2C being a 2-wire interface, devices often need an additional interrupt (INT) signal line.
2. Application Scenarios of I3C
I3C bus can be applied in various sensors and can be used in any device with traditional I2C/SPI/UART interfaces.
3. I3C Interface
I3C provides various data transfer modes, with a maximum clock frequency of 12.5 MHz:
- Standard Data Rate (SDR) Mode: Similar to I2C, SDA data is clocked based on SCL.
4. Compatibility between I3C and I2C
I3C bus supports multiple master devices and is also compatible with I2C.
In summary, I3C is a versatile bus interface that addresses the limitations of traditional I2C/SPI interfaces on sensors. It can be applied in various sensors and is compatible with a wide range of devices with different types of interfaces. The I3C interface provides multiple data transfer modes, offering flexibility and efficiency in data communication. With its compatibility with I2C, I3C ensures seamless integration with existing systems while providing enhanced performance and capabilities for sensor applications.
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