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Quantum-Mechanical Linear Filtering of
Random Signal Sequences
Abstrucf-The problem of estimating a member of a scalar random
signal sequence with quantum-mechanical measurements is considered.
The minimum variance linear estimator based on an optimal present
quantum measurement and optimal linear processing of past measure-
ments is found. When the average optimal measurement without post-
processing, for a fixed signal, is linear in the random signal and the signal
sequence is pairwise Gaussian, the optimal processing separates: the
optimal measurement is the same as the optimal measurement without
regard to past data, and the past and present data are processed classi-
cally. The results are illustrated by considering the estimator of the
real amplitude of a laser signal received in a single-mode cavity along
with thermal noise; when the random signal sequence satisfies a linear
recursion, the estimate can be computed recursively. For a one-step
memory signal sequence it is shown that the optimal observable generally
differs from the optimal observable disregarding the past; the optimal
measurement can be computed recursively.
Manuscript received February 7, 1975; revised August 1, 1975.
This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation
under Grant GK-14920.
J. S. Baras and R. 0. Harger are with the Electrical Engineering
Department, University of Maryland, College Park,, Md. 20742.
Y. H. Park is with Bendix Corporation, Columbta, Md.
ETECTION and estimation problems have recently
been studied [ l]-[3] employing measurement models
correctly incorporating quantum mechanics. Such work
applies directly, e.g., to establishing fundamental limita-
tions in optical communication systems [4]. More recently,
the analog of filtering a random signal sequence has been
considered [S], [6], [13]. H
ere the problem of estimating
x,, a member of a “signal” sequence {x0,x1,. . . ,xk,. . .} of
scalar random variables, is considered; the parameter
conveniently regarded as discrete time. To be chosen are
the optimal measurements at time
and the optimal linear
combination of present and past measurements at times
j = 0, l;..,
- 1. The random sequence so obtained is
defined precisely below, but it is simply described in the
optical communication setting as follows.
At time
a laser signal modulated in some fashion by
xk is received in a cavity containing otherwise only an
electromagnetic field due to thermal noise; the total field is