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In this comprehensive knowledge sharing repository, individuals can find a variety of practical training resources to enhance their skills and abilities. The repository covers a wide range of topics including counting dynamic programming, English assignments, sequence counting using Lucas numbers and digital dynamic programming, project management with greedy algorithms, fishing games using Fenwick trees and interval maximum value/single point updates, danger exclusion through disjoint sets, interval dynamic programming for military training, library availability using dynamic programming, lonely strings with dynamic programming and inclusion-exclusion principle, Bob's input method using trie, Level Up with 01 knapsack, Make Good through construction and thinking skills, and a trip to Saint Petersburg with segment trees. These resources are derived from various competitions and events such as the 2019 CCPC in Harbin, the 2020 "Far Light Cup" network qualification competition, and Codeforces Round. By utilizing the knowledge and insights shared in this repository, individuals can improve their problem-solving abilities, learn new techniques, and advance their understanding of different algorithms and data structures. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, this repository offers valuable information and exercises to help you enhance your skills and achieve your goals.
2011-11-06 上传
2023-11-08 上传
2023-11-10 上传
2023-11-05 上传
2023-11-08 上传
2023-11-08 上传
2023-11-01 上传
- 粉丝: 4778
- 资源: 75
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