Django 1.8框架实战:打造多语言响应式网站

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"Web Development with Django Cookbook 第2版是关于利用Django 1.8框架创建多语言、响应式和可扩展网站的最新实战指南。本书包含90多个不同复杂程度的实战配方,旨在帮助读者掌握Django开发的核心技能。作者Aidas Bendoraitis在书中详细介绍了各种技术与策略。" 在Django框架的发展过程中,Django 1.8引入了许多新特性,这本书正针对这些特性提供了一系列实用的解决方案。以下是一些关键知识点: 1. **多语言支持**:Django 1.8强化了其多语言功能,书中可能涵盖了如何设置多语言网站,包括翻译模型字段、URL和静态文本,以及国际化日期和时间的处理。 2. **响应式设计**:随着移动设备的普及,响应式设计成为必备技能。读者可能会学习到如何使用Django模板系统配合Bootstrap或其他前端框架来创建适应不同屏幕尺寸的网站。 3. **可扩展性**:Django作为强大的后端框架,其扩展性和性能优化是重要的主题。书中的章节可能涵盖数据库优化、缓存机制、分页和异步任务处理(如Celery)等内容。 4. **模型和数据库操作**:Django的ORM(对象关系映射)是其核心部分,书中会讲解如何定义和操作数据模型,进行数据迁移,以及高效查询数据库。 5. **视图和URL配置**:了解如何组织视图函数,创建动态路由,以及使用类视图,这些都是提升代码复用性和维护性的关键。 6. **表单和验证**:Django的表单处理能力强大,书可能介绍如何创建自定义表单,处理用户输入,以及进行数据验证。 7. **用户认证和权限管理**:Django的内置认证系统使得处理用户登录、注册和权限控制变得简单。书中会涵盖这些基础和高级话题,如自定义用户模型。 8. **中间件和自定义标签**:Django的中间件机制可以用于全局处理请求和响应,而自定义模板标签和过滤器可以增强模板的功能性。书中将解释如何编写和使用它们。 9. **部署和维护**:书中可能包含Django项目的部署策略,如使用Gunicorn或uWSGI,以及如何进行日志记录和性能监控。 10. **安全性和最佳实践**:网络安全是开发过程中的重要考虑因素,书中会介绍Django的安全特性,如防止跨站脚本攻击(XSS)和跨站请求伪造(CSRF)。 通过这本书,读者不仅可以学习到Django 1.8的新特性,还能掌握构建专业级Web应用所需的各种技巧和最佳实践。无论是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中受益匪浅。
2017-09-06 上传
Module 1, Learning Go Web Development, starts off with introducing and setting up Go before you move on to produce responsive servers that react to certain web endpoint. You will then implement database connections to acquire data and then present it to our users using different template packages. Later on, you will learn about sessions and cookies to retain information before delving with the basics of microservices. By the end of this module, we will be covering the testing, debugging, and the security aspect. Module 2, Go Programming Blueprints, has a project-based approach where you will be building chat application, adding authentication, and adding your own profile pictures in different ways. You will learn how Go makes it easy to build powerful command-line tools to find domain names before building a highly scalable Twitter polling and vote counting engine powered by NSQ and MongoDB. Later on it covers the functionalities of RESTful Data Web Service API and Google Places API before you move on to build a simple but powerful filesystem backup tool for our code projects. Module 3, Mastering Concurrency in Go, introduces you to Concurrency in Go where you will be understanding the Concurrency model and developing a strategy for designing applications. You will learn to create basic and complex communication channels between our goroutines to manage data not only across single or multithreaded systems but also distributed systems. Later on you will be tackling a real-world problem, that is, being able to develop a high performance web server that can handle a very large volume of live, active traffic. You will then learn how to scale your application and make it capable of being expanded in scope, design, and/ or capacity. It will then focus on when and where to implement concurrent patterns, utilize parallelism, and ensure data consistency. At the end of this module, we will be logging and testing concurrency before we finally look at the best practices on how to implement complicated and advanced techniques offered by Go.