Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 8, No. 3, 1313-1317 (2014) 1313
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences
An International Journal
A Cross-Domain Alliance Authentication Scheme based
on Bilinear Group
Qikun Zhang
, Ruifang Wang
, Yong Gan
and Yifeng Yin
Institute of Computer and Communication Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, 450002 Zhengzhou, China
library, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, 450002 Zhengzhou, China
Received: 18 Jun. 2013, Revised: 23 Oct. 2013, Accepted: 24 Oct. 2013
Published online: 1 May. 2014
Abstract: With the development of grid computing, cloud computing and other large distributed network technology, users need them
to provide services of unlimited space and unlimited speed. In order to meeting this request of users, all the domains in these large
distributed networks need coordination for each other. For ensuring the safety to access resources in all domains, we propose a cross-
domain union authentication scheme. We compute a large prime cyclic group by elliptic curve, and use the direct decomposition of this
group to decompose automorphism groups ,and design an signcryption scheme between domains by bilinear of automorphism group
to achieve cross-domain union authentication. This scheme overcome the complexity of certificate transmission and bottlenecks in the
scheme of PKI-based, and it can trace the entities and supports two-way entities anonymous authentication, which avoid the domain
certificate authority counterfeiting its member to access cross-domain resources. Analyses show that its advantages on security and
Keywords: Inter-domain signcryption, Union certification, Elliptic curve, Bilinear group underwater communications
1 Introduction
Cross-domain authentication exist in many fields,
such as the authentication among multiple heterogeneous
domains within a virtual organization in the grid
environment [
1], the roaming access authentication in the
environment of wireless network, etc. there are mainly
two cross-domain authentication frameworks in specific
environments: one is authentication framework (such as
Kerberos)[2] based on the symmetric key system. The
other is authentication framework based on traditional [
4,5], The management of credentials in public key
cryptography is a heavy burden in this scheme;
specifically, the consumptions is caused by the
construction of credential paths and the query of the
status of credentials and transfer of credentials .
References [
6,7,8] proposed an identity-based
multi-domain authentication model, which is based on the
trust of the authority of the other side, and it requires the
key agreement parameters of all domains to be same, this
have limitations and it could not avoid the authority
faking members in its domain to cross-domain access
resources. Reference [
9,10] adopt signcryption to
implement the authentication when users access resource
each other within the same domain, it is confined to a
single domain, so it is difficult to meet the needs of
large-scale distributed computing. Reference [
11] extends
the scheme of reference [
9], and make it to enable the
members from the difference domains to authenticate
each other, but the precondition of this solution is the
hypothesis that PKG of every domain is honest. The
cross-domain authentication alliance protocol proposed in
this paper, which designs based on inter-domain
signcryption. Each inter-domain authentication centers do
not have to set the same parameters for their keys in the
system, and the members in a domain register their
identities with blind keys other than their private keys to
avoid the authentication center faking and cheating his
members to access resource from other domains. At the
same time it has good anonymity, and it can trace entities
when there occurred dispute between two entities for
accessing resources and it has a good defense for various
protocol attacks.
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2014 NSP
Natural Sciences Publishing Cor.