1.1 Program Organization and Control Structures
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modularization and encapsulation become important programming concepts, the
general idea being that program units should interact with one another only through
clearly defined and narrowly circumscribed interfaces. Good modularizationpractice
is an essential prerequisite to the success of large, complicated software projects,
especially those employing the efforts of more than one programmer. It is also good
practice (if not quite as essential) in the less massive programming tasks that an
individual scientist, or reader of this book, encounters.
Some computer languages, such as Modula-2 and C++, promote good modular-
ization with higher-level language constructs absent in C. In Modula-2, for example,
functions, type definitions, and data structures can be encapsulated into “modules”
that communicate through declared public interfaces and whose internal workings
are hidden from the rest of the program
.IntheC++ language, the key concept
is “class,” a user-definable generalization of data type that provides for data hiding,
automatic initializationof data, memory management, dynamic typing, and operator
overloading (i.e., the user-definable extension of operators like + and * so as to be
appropriate to operands in any particular class)
. Properly used in defining the data
structures that are passed between program units, classes can clarify and circumscribe
these units’ public interfaces, reducing the chances of programming error and also
allowing a considerable degree of compile-time and run-time error checking.
Beyond modularization, though depending on it, lie the concepts of object-
oriented programming. Here a programming language, such as C++ or Turbo Pascal
, allows a module’s public interface to accept redefinitions of types or actions,
and these redefinitions become shared all the way down through the module’s
hierarchy (so-called polymorphism). For example, a routine written to invert a
matrix of real numbers could — dynamically, at run time — be made able to handle
complex numbers by overloading complex data types and corresponding definitions
of the arithmetic operations. Additional concepts of inheritance (the ability to define
a data type that “inherits” all the structure of another type, plus additional structure
of its own), and object extensibility (the ability to add functionality to a module
without access to its source code, e.g., at run time), also come into play.
We have not attempted to modularize, or make objects out of, the routines in
thisbook, for at least two reasons. First,the chosen language, C, does not really make
this possible. Second, we envision that you, the reader, might want to incorporate
the algorithms in this book, a few at a time, into modules or objects with a structure
of your own choosing. There does not exist, at present, a standard or accepted set
of “classes” for scientific object-oriented computing. While we might have tried to
invent such a set, doing so would have inevitably tied the algorithmic content of the
book (which is its raison d’ˆetre) to some rather specific, and perhaps haphazard, set
of choices regarding class definitions.
On the other hand, we are not unfriendly to the goals of modular and object-
oriented programming. Within the limits of C, we have therefore tried to structure
our programs to be “object friendly.” That is one reason we have adopted ANSI
C with its function prototyping as our default C dialect (see §1.2). Also, within
our implementation sections, we have paid particular attention to the practices of
structured programming, as we now discuss.