标题:TI-DRV10987.pdf - TI电机驱动器文档及相关技术信息

需积分: 10 1 下载量 87 浏览量 更新于2024-01-21 5 收藏 2.63MB PDF 举报
The provided content appears to be snippets from a technical document related to the TI-DRV10987 motor driver. This document includes various electronic components and their specifications, such as capacitors, inductors, voltage regulators, and microcontroller interfaces. The document starts with the title "TI-DRV10987.pdf" and repeats this information throughout the content. It also contains a series of numbers, presumably related to the specifications of the electronic components mentioned in the document. The copyright notice at the bottom indicates that the document is copyrighted by Texas Instruments Incorporated in 2017. The content is structured with a combination of alphanumeric characters and symbols representing various components, such as VC, PC, PP, CP, NS, WS, WG, GND, VREG, V1P8, V3P3, SCL, SDA, FG, VCC, WW, VV, UU, PGNDDIR, SPEED. These components likely refer to specific connections or functions within the motor driver system. The technical nature of the content suggests that it is intended for individuals with knowledge in electrical engineering or a related field. The use of symbols and abbreviations is common in technical documents to convey complex information concisely. In summary, the content appears to be a snippet from a technical document related to the TI-DRV10987 motor driver, containing specifications and components related to the system. The document is highly technical and likely intended for individuals with expertise in electrical engineering or a closely related discipline.
2023-07-15 上传