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"Node.js High Performance - 通过Node.js实现高性能Web应用开发指南" 《Node.js High Performance》这本书由Diogo Resende撰写,旨在帮助开发者利用Node.js的强大功能开发出高性能的Web应用程序。这本书由Birmingham-Mumbai的Packt Publishing出版,版权于2015年。书中内容涵盖了许多关键知识点,旨在确保读者能够充分利用Node.js的特性来提升应用性能。 1. **事件驱动编程**:Node.js基于Chrome V8 JavaScript引擎,其非阻塞I/O模型和事件循环机制使得它非常适合处理大量并发连接。作者会深入讲解如何有效地利用事件驱动模型来设计高效的应用程序。 2. **异步编程**:Node.js的核心之一就是异步编程,这在处理I/O密集型任务时特别有效。书中的章节会介绍如何处理回调函数、Promise以及async/await,以避免回调地狱并提高代码可读性。 3. **Node.js核心模块**:了解和掌握Node.js的核心模块(如fs、http、net、cluster等)对于构建高性能应用至关重要。书中会详细解析这些模块的使用方法和最佳实践。 4. **性能优化技巧**:书里会讨论CPU和内存优化策略,包括如何进行性能分析、调优代码以及有效地管理内存,以减少不必要的开销。 5. **集群与负载均衡**:Node.js的cluster模块允许开发者创建多进程应用,从而更好地利用多核处理器。书中会讲解如何设置和管理集群,以及如何与负载均衡器配合工作。 6. **中间件和框架**:Node.js拥有丰富的中间件和框架生态系统,如Express、Koa等。这部分内容会指导读者如何选择和使用这些工具来构建高效的应用架构。 7. **实时通信与WebSocket**:Node.js常用于构建实时应用,如聊天室、实时数据分析等。书中会介绍WebSocket协议,以及如何在Node.js中实现双向通信。 8. **错误处理和调试**:良好的错误处理是任何高性能应用的基础。书中将阐述如何优雅地处理错误,以及使用调试工具进行问题定位。 9. **安全实践**:安全是所有Web应用必须关注的要点。书中会涵盖安全话题,如输入验证、防止SQL注入、XSS攻击防护等。 10. **测试与部署**:为了确保应用的稳定性和可靠性,自动化测试和持续集成是必不可少的。书中的相关章节会讲解如何编写测试用例,以及如何在生产环境中部署和监控Node.js应用。 《Node.js High Performance》是一本全面的指南,它不仅教导读者如何使用Node.js开发高性能的Web应用,还提供了许多实用技巧和最佳实践,帮助开发者提升项目质量和效率。
2015-09-21 上传
Paperback: 136 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (August 19, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1785286145 Take your application to the next level of high performance using the extensive capabilities of Node.js About This Book Analyze, benchmark, and profile your Node.js application to find slow spots, and push it to the limit by eliminating performance bottlenecks Learn the basis of performance analysis using Node.js Explore the high performance capabilities of Node.js, along with best practices In Detail Node.js is a tool written in C, which allows you to use JavaScript on the server-side. High performance on a platform like Node.js is knowing how to take advantage of every aspect of your hardware, helping memory management act at its best, and correctly deciding how to architect a complex application. Do not panic if your applications start consuming a lot of memory; instead spot the leak and solve it fast with Node.js by monitoring and stopping it before it becomes an issue. This book will provide you with the skills you need to analyze the performance of your application and monitor the aspects that can and should be. Starting with performance analysis concepts and their importance in helping Node.js developers eliminate performance bottlenecks, this book will take you through development patterns to avoid performance penalties. You will learn the importance of garbage collection and its behaviour,and discover how to profile your processor, allowing better performance and scalability. You will then learn about the different types of data storage methods. Moving on, you will get to grips with testing and benchmarking applications to avoid unknown application test zones. Lastly, you will explore the limits that external components can impose in your application in the form of bottlenecks. By following the examples in each chapter, you will discover tips to getting better performing applications by avoiding anti-patterns and stretching the limits of your environment as much as possible.