Fast Bilateral Filtering
for the Display of High-Dynamic-Range Images
Fr´edo Durand and Julie Dorsey
Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
We present a new technique for the display of high-dynamic-range
images, which reduces the contrast while preserving detail. It is
based on a two-scale decomposition of the image into a base layer,
encoding large-scale variations, and a detail layer. Only the base
layer has its contrast reduced, thereby preserving detail. The base
layer is obtained using an edge-preserving filter called the bilateral
filter. This is a non-linear filter, where the weight of each pixel is
computed using a Gaussian in the spatial domain multiplied by an
influence function in the intensity domain that decreases the weight
of pixels with large intensity differences. We express bilateral filter-
ing in the framework of robust statistics and show how it relates to
anisotropic diffusion. We then accelerate bilateral filtering by using
a piecewise-linear approximation in the intensity domain and ap-
propriate subsampling. This results in a speed-up of two orders of
magnitude. The method is fast and requires no parameter setting.
CR Categories: I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/image
generation—Display algorithms; I.4.1 [Image Processing and Com-
puter Vision]: Enhancement—Digitization and image capture
Keywords: image processing, tone mapping, contrast reduction,
edge-preserving filtering,weird maths
1 Introduction
As the availability of high-dynamic-range images grows due to ad-
vances in lighting simulation, e.g. [Ward 1994], multiple-exposure
photography [Debevec and Malik 1997; Madden 1993] and new
sensor technologies [Mitsunaga and Nayar 2000; Schechner and
Nayar 2001; Yang et al. 1999], there is a growing demand to be
able to display these images on low-dynamic-range media. Our vi-
sual system can cope with such high-contrast scenes because most
of the adaptation mechanisms are local on the retina.
There is a tremendous need for contrast reduction in applica-
tions such as image-processing, medical imaging, realistic render-
ing, and digital photography. Consider photography for example.
A major aspect of the art and craft concerns the management of
contrast via e.g. exposure, lighting, printing, or local dodging and
burning [Adams 1995; Rudman 2001]. In fact, poor management
of light – under- or over-exposed areas, light behind the main char-
acter, etc. – is the single most-commonly-cited reason for rejecting
Figure 1: High-dynamic-range photography. No single global ex-
posure can preserve both the colors of the sky and the details of
the landscape, as shown on the rightmost images. In contrast, our
spatially-varying display operator (large image) can bring out all
details of the scene. Total clock time for this 700x480 image is 1.4
seconds on a 700Mhz PentiumIII. Radiance map courtesy of Paul
Debevec, USC. [Debevec and Malik 1997]
Base Detail Color
Figure 2: Principle of our two-scale decomposition of the input
intensity. Color is treated separately using simple ratios. Only the
base scale has its contrast reduced.
photographs. This is why camera manufacturers have developed
sophisticated exposure-metering systems. Unfortunately, exposure
only operates via global contrast management – that is, it recenters
the intensity window on the most relevant range. If the range of in-
tensity is too large, the photo will contain under- and over-exposed
areas (Fig. 1, rightmost part).
Our work is motivated by the idea that the use of high-dynamic-
range cameras and relevant display operators can address these is-
sues. Digital photography has inherited many of the strengths of
film photography. However it also has the potential to overcome
its limitations. Ideally, the photography process should be de-
composed into a measurement phase (with a high-dynamic-range
output), and a post-process phase that, among other things, man-
ages the contrast. This post-process could be automatic or user-
controlled, as part of the camera or on a computer, but it should
take advantage of the wide range of available intensity to perform
appropriate contrast reduction.
In this paper, we introduce a fast and robust operator that takes
a high-dynamic-range image as input, and compresses the contrast
while preserving the details of the original image, as introduced by
Tumblin [1999]. Our operator is based on a two-scale decomposi-
tion of the image into a base layer (large-scale features) and a detail