ESPACE: Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks
via Eliminating Spatial and Channel Redundancy
Shaohui Lin,
Rongrong Ji,
Chao Chen,
Feiyue Huang,
Fujian Key Laboratory of Sensing and Computing for Smart City, Xiamen University, 361005, China
School of Information Science and Engineering, Xiamen University, 361005, China
BestImage Lab, Tencent Technology (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd, China,,,
Recent years have witnessed an extensive popularity of con-
volutional neural networks (CNNs) in various computer vi-
sion and artificial intelligence applications. However, the per-
formance gains have come at a cost of substantially inten-
sive computation complexity, which prohibits its usage in
resource-limited applications like mobile or embedded de-
vices. While increasing attention has been paid to the acceler-
ation of internal network structure, the redundancy of visual
input is rarely considered. In this paper, we make the first
attempt of reducing spatial and channel redundancy directly
from the visual input for CNNs acceleration. The proposed
method, termed ESPACE (Elimination of SPAtial and Chan-
nel rEdundancy), works by the following three steps: First,
the 3D channel redundancy of convolutional layers is reduced
by a set of low-rank approximation of convolutional filters.
Second, a novel mask based selective processing scheme is
proposed, which further speedups the convolution operations
via skipping unsalient spatial locations of the visual input.
Third, the accelerated network is fine-tuned using the train-
ing data via back-propagation. The proposed method is evalu-
ated on ImageNet 2012 with implementations on two widely-
adopted CNNs, i.e. AlexNet and GoogLeNet. In compari-
son to several recent methods of CNN acceleration, the pro-
posed scheme has demonstrated new state-of-the-art acceler-
ation performance by a factor of 5.48× and 4.12× speedup
on AlexNet and GoogLeNet, respectively, with a minimal de-
crease in classification accuracy.
In recent years, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have
demonstrated impressive performance in various computer
vision and artificial intelligence applications, such as object
recognition (Krizhevsky, Sutskever, and Hinton 2012)(Si-
monyan and Zisserman 2014)(Lecun et al. 1998)(Szegedy
et al. 2015)(He et al. 2015), object detection (Girshick et
al. 2014)(Girshick 2015)(Ren et al. 2015), and image re-
trieval (Gong et al. 2014b). The cutting-edge CNNs are
computationally intensive, in which the speed limitation
mainly resorts to the convolution operations in the convolu-
tional layers
. For example, an 8-layer AlexNet (Krizhevsky,
2017, Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence ( All rights reserved.
In this paper, we focus on the acceleration of the convolutional
layers, as it takes up over 80% running time in most existing CNNs,
Sutskever, and Hinton 2012) with about 600,000 nodes costs
240MB storage (including 61M parameters) and requires
to classify one image with size 224 × 224.
Such cost is further intensified in deeper CNNs, e.g. a 16-
layer-VGGNet (Simonyan and Zisserman 2014) with 1.5M
nodes costs 528MB storage (including 144M parameters)
and requires about 15B FLOP to classify one image.
Under such circumstance, the existing CNNs cannot be
directly deployed to scenarios that require fast processing
and compact storage, such as streaming or real-time ap-
plications. On one hand, CNNs with million-scale param-
eters typically tend to be over parameterized and heavily
computed (Denil et al. 2013). Therefore, not all parame-
ters and operations (e.g. convolution or non-linear activa-
tion) are essentially necessary in producing a discrimina-
tive decision. On the other hand, it is quantitatively shown in
(Ba and Caruana 2014) that, neither shallow nor simplified
CNNs provide comparable performance to deep CNNs with
billion-scale online operations. Therefore, to accelerate on-
line CNNs predictions without significantly decreasing the
decision accuracy, a natural thought is to discover and dis-
card redundant parameters and operations in deep CNNs.
Accelerating CNNs has attracted a few research attention
very recently, most of which focus on accelerating the con-
volutional layer, which is the most time-consuming part of
CNNs. In the literature, the related works can be further cat-
egorized into four groups, i.e. designing compact convolu-
tional filters, parameters quantization, parameters pruning
and tensor decomposition.
Designing compact convolutional filters. Using a com-
pact filter for convolution can directly reduce the com-
putation cost. The key idea is to replace the loose and
over-parametric filters with compact blocks to improve the
speed, which significantly accelerate CNNs like GoogLeNet
(Szegedy et al. 2015), ResNet (He et al. 2015) on sev-
eral benchmarks. Decomposing 3 × 3 convolution with two
1 × 1 convolutions was used in (Szegedy, Loffe, and Van-
houcke 2016), which achieved state-of-the-art acceleration
performance on object recognition. SqueezeNet (Iandola,
Moskewicz, and Ashraf 2016) was proposed to replace 3×3
convolution with 1 × 1 convolution, which created a com-
i.e. AlexNet, GoogLeNet and VGGNet.
FLOP: The number of Floating-point operation to classify one
image with CNNs.
Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-17)