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"这是一份关于‘Convex Optimization’的书籍资料,由Stephen Boyd和Lieven Vandenberghe合著。该书旨在深入讲解凸优化的理论与应用,是电气工程领域的重要参考文献。由于原始版本缺少书签,上传者自行添加了书签以便于读者查阅。若涉及版权问题,上传者承诺会根据要求删除资源。"
《凸优化》是Stephen Boyd和Lieven Vandenberghe两位教授合作撰写的一本经典著作,他们在电气工程领域具有深厚的专业背景。这本书由剑桥大学出版社出版,涵盖了凸优化领域的核心概念、理论和方法。作者们来自斯坦福大学和加州大学洛杉矶分校的电气工程部门,使得本书的内容兼具学术严谨性和实践应用性。
1. 凸函数和凸集:定义了凸函数和凸集的基本性质,包括它们的图形特征、闭包、边界和锥等概念。
2. 凸优化问题的形式化:阐述了凸优化问题的标准形式,包括线性规划、二次规划以及更复杂的凸优化问题。
3. 凸分析:讨论了微积分在凸函数中的应用,如梯度、方向导数和次梯度等。
4. 算法和求解策略:介绍了如梯度下降法、拟牛顿法、内点法等用于求解凸优化问题的有效算法,并分析了它们的收敛性和效率。
5. 应用案例:通过实际问题展示了凸优化在信号处理、控制理论、机器学习和通信工程等多个领域的应用。
6. 数值实验和软件工具:可能包含了利用MATLAB或CVX等工具进行凸优化问题求解的实例,帮助读者将理论知识转化为实际操作。
2 1 Introduction
for all x, y ∈ R
and all α, β ∈ R with α + β = 1, α ≥ 0, β ≥ 0. Comparing (1.3)
and (1.2), we see that convexity is more general than linearity: inequality replaces
the more restrictive equality, and the inequality must hold only for certain values
of α and β. Since any linear program is therefore a convex optimization problem,
we can consider convex optimization to be a generalization of linear programming.
1.1.1 Applications
The optimization problem (1.1) is an abstraction of the problem of making the best
possible choice of a vector in R
from a set of candidate choices. The variable x
represents the choice made; the constraints f
(x) ≤ b
represent firm requirements
or specifications that limit the possible choices, and the objective value f
(x) rep-
resents the cost of choosing x. (We can also think of −f
(x) as representing the
value, or utility, of choosing x.) A solution of the optimization problem (1.1) corre-
sponds to a choice that has minimum cost (or maximum utility), among all choices
that meet the firm requirements.
In portfolio optimization, for example, we seek the best way to invest some
capital in a set of n assets. The variable x
represents the investment in the ith
asset, so the vector x ∈ R
describes the overall portfolio allocation across the set of
assets. The constraints might represent a limit on the budget (i.e., a limit on the
total amount to be invested), the requirement that investments are nonnegative
(assuming short positions are not allowed), and a minimum acceptable value of
expected return for the whole portfolio. The objective or cost function might be
a measure of the overall risk or variance of the portfolio return. In this case,
the optimization problem (1.1) corresponds to choosing a portfolio allo cation that
minimizes risk, among all possible allocations that meet the firm requirements.
Another example is device sizing in electronic design, which is the task of choos-
ing the width and length of each device in an electronic circuit. Here the variables
represent the widths and lengths of the devices. The constraints represent a va-
riety of engineering requirements, s uch as limits on the device sizes imposed by
the manufacturing process, timing requirements that ensure that the circuit can
operate reliably at a specified speed, and a limit on the total area of the circuit. A
common objective in a device sizing problem is the total power consumed by the
circuit. The optimization problem (1.1) is to find the device sizes that satisfy the
design requirements (on manufacturability, timing, and area) and are most power
In data fitting, the task is to find a model, from a family of potential models,
that best fits some observed data and prior information. Here the variables are the
parameters in the model, and the constraints can represent prior information or
required limits on the parameters (such as nonnegativity). The objective function
might be a measure of misfit or prediction error between the observed data and
the values predicted by the model, or a statistical measure of the unlikeliness or
implausibility of the parameter values. The optimization problem (1.1) is to find
the model parameter values that are consistent with the prior information, and give
the smallest misfit or prediction error with the observed data (or, in a statistical
1.1 Mathematical optimization 3
framework, are most likely).
An amazing variety of practical problems involving decision making (or system
design, analysis, and operation) can be cast in the form of a mathematical opti-
mization problem, or some variation such as a multicriterion optimization problem.
Indeed, mathematical optimization has become an important tool in many areas.
It is widely used in engineering, in electronic design automation, automatic con-
trol systems, and optimal design problems arising in civil, chemical, mechanical,
and aerospace engineering. Optimization is used for problems arising in network
design and operation, finance, supply chain management, scheduling, and many
other areas. The list of applications is still steadily expanding.
For most of these applications, mathematical optimization is used as an aid to
a human decision maker, system designer, or system operator, who supervises the
process, checks the results, and modifies the problem (or the solution approach)
when necessary. This human decision maker also carries out any actions suggested
by the optimization problem, e.g., buying or selling assets to achieve the optimal
A relatively recent phenomenon opens the possibility of many other applications
for mathematical optimization. With the proliferation of computers embedded in
products, we have seen a rapid growth in embedded optimization. In these em-
bedded applications, optimization is used to automatically make real-time choices,
and even carry out the associated actions, with no (or little) human intervention or
oversight. In some application areas, this blending of traditional automatic control
systems and embedded optimization is well under way; in others, it is just start-
ing. Embedded real-time optimization raises some new challenges: in particular,
it requires solution methods that are extremely reliable, and solve problems in a
predictable amount of time (and memory).
1.1.2 Solving optimization problems
A solution method for a class of optimization problems is an algorithm that com-
putes a solution of the problem (to some given accuracy), given a particular problem
from the class, i.e., an instance of the problem. Since the late 1940s, a large effort
has gone into developing algorithms for solving various classes of optimization prob-
lems, analyzing their properties, and developing good software implementations.
The effectiveness of these algorithms, i.e., our ability to solve the optimization prob-
lem (1.1), varies considerably, and depends on factors such as the particular forms
of the objective and constraint functions, how many variables and constraints there
are, and special structure, such as sparsity. (A problem is sparse if each constraint
function depends on only a small number of the variables).
Even when the objective and constraint functions are smooth (for example,
polynomials) the general optimization problem (1.1) is surprisingly difficult to solve.
Approaches to the general problem therefore involve some kind of compromise, such
as very long computation time, or the possibility of not finding the solution. Some
of these methods are discussed in §1.4.
There are, however, some important exceptions to the general rule that most
optimization problems are difficult to solve. For a few problem classes we have
4 1 Introduction
effective algorithms that can reliably solve even large problems, with hundreds or
thousands of variables and constraints. Two important and well known examples,
described in §1.2 below (and in detail in chapter 4), are least-squares problems and
linear programs. It is less well known that convex optimization is another exception
to the rule: Like least-squares or linear programming, there are very effective
algorithms that can reliably and efficiently solve even large convex problems.
1.2 Least-squares and linear programming
In this section we describe two very widely known and us ed special subclasses of
convex optimization: least-squares and linear programming. (A complete technical
treatment of these problems will be given in chapter 4.)
1.2.1 Least-squares problems
A least-squares problem is an optimization problem with no constraints (i.e., m =
0) and an objective which is a sum of squares of terms of the form a
x − b
minimize f
(x) = kAx − bk
x − b
Here A ∈ R
(with k ≥ n), a
are the rows of A, and the vector x ∈ R
is the
optimization variable.
Solving least-squares problems
The solution of a least-squares problem (1.4) can be reduced to solving a set of
linear equations,
A)x = A
so we have the analytical solution x = (A
b. For least-squares problems
we have good algorithms (and software implementations) for solving the problem to
high accuracy, with very high reliability. The least-squares problem can be solved
in a time approximately proportional to n
k, with a known constant. A current
desktop computer can s olve a least-squares problem with hundreds of variables, and
thousands of terms, in a few seconds; more powerful computers, of course, can solve
larger problems, or the same size problems, faster. (Moreover, these solution times
will decrease exponentially in the future, according to Moore’s law.) Algorithms
and software for solving least-squares problems are reliable enough for embedded
In many cases we can solve even larger least-squares problems, by exploiting
some special structure in the coefficient matrix A. Suppose, for example, that the
matrix A is sparse, which means that it has far fewer than kn nonzero entries. By
exploiting sparsity, we can usually solve the least-squares problem much faster than
order n
k. A current desktop computer can solve a sparse least-squares problem
1.2 Least-squares and linear programming 5
with tens of thousands of variables, and hundreds of thousands of terms, in around
a minute (although this depends on the particular sparsity pattern).
For extremely large problems (say, with millions of variables), or for problems
with exacting real-time computing requirements, solving a least-squares problem
can be a challenge. But in the vast majority of cases, we can say that existing
methods are very effective, and extremely reliable. Indeed, we can say that solving
least-squares problems (that are not on the boundary of what is currently achiev-
able) is a (mature) technology, that can be reliably used by many people who do
not know, and do not need to know, the details.
Using least-squares
The least-squares problem is the basis for regression analysis, optimal control, and
many parameter estimation and data fitting methods. It has a number of statistical
interpretations, e.g., as maximum likelihood estimation of a vector x, given linear
measurements corrupted by Gaussian measurement errors.
Recognizing an optimization problem as a least-squares problem is straightfor-
ward; we only need to verify that the objective is a quadratic function (and then
test whether the associated quadratic form is positive semidefinite). While the
basic least-squares problem has a simple fixed form, several standard techniques
are used to increase its flexibility in applications.
In weighted least-squares, the weighted least-squares cost
x − b
where w
, . . . , w
are positive, is minimized. (This problem is readily cast and
solved as a standard least-squares problem.) Here the weights w
are chosen to
reflect differing levels of concern about the sizes of the terms a
x − b
, or simply
to influence the solution. In a statistical setting, weighted least-squares arises
in estimation of a vector x, given linear measurements corrupted by errors with
unequal variances.
Another technique in least-squares is regularization, in which extra terms are
added to the cost function. In the simplest case, a positive multiple of the sum of
squares of the variables is added to the cost function:
x − b
+ ρ
where ρ > 0. (This problem too can be formulated as a standard least-squares
problem.) The extra terms penalize large values of x, and result in a sensible
solution in cases when minimizing the first sum only does not. The parameter ρ is
chosen by the user to give the right trade-off between making the original objective
small, while keeping
not too big. Regularization
comes up in statistical estimation when the vector x to be estimated is given a prior
Weighted least-squares and regularization are covered in chapter 6; their sta-
tistical interpretations are given in chapter 7.
6 1 Introduction
1.2.2 Linear programming
Another important class of optimization problems is linear programming, in which
the objective and all constraint functions are linear:
minimize c
subject to a
x ≤ b
, i = 1, . . . , m.
Here the vectors c, a
, . . . , a
∈ R
and scalars b
, . . . , b
∈ R are problem pa-
rameters that specify the objective and constraint functions.
Solving linear programs
There is no simple analytical formula for the solution of a linear program (as there
is for a least-squares problem), but there are a variety of very effective methods for
solving them, including Dantzig’s simplex method, and the more recent interior-
point methods described later in this book. While we cannot give the exact number
of arithmetic operations required to solve a linear program (as we can for least-
squares), we can establish rigorous bounds on the number of operations required
to solve a linear program, to a given accuracy, using an interior-point method. The
complexity in practice is order n
m (assuming m ≥ n) but with a constant that is
less well characterized than for least-squares. These algorithms are quite reliable,
although perhaps not quite as reliable as methods for least-squares. We can easily
solve problems with hundreds of variables and thousands of constraints on a small
desktop computer, in a matter of seconds. If the problem is sparse, or has some
other exploitable structure, we can often solve problems with tens or hundreds of
thousands of variables and constraints.
As with least-squares problems, it is still a challenge to solve extremely large
linear programs, or to solve linear programs with exacting real-time computing re-
quirements. But, like least-squares, we can say that solving (most) linear programs
is a mature technology. Linear programming solvers can be (and are) embedded in
many tools and applications.
Using linear programming
Some applications lead directly to linear programs in the form (1.5), or one of
several other standard forms. In many other cases the original optimization prob-
lem does not have a standard linear program form, but can be transformed to an
equivalent linear program (and then, of course, solved) using techniques covered in
detail in chapter 4.
As a simple example, consider the Chebyshev approximation problem:
minimize max
x − b
Here x ∈ R
is the variable, and a
, . . . , a
∈ R
, b
, . . . , b
∈ R are parameters
that specify the problem instance. Note the resemblance to the least-squares prob-
lem (1.4). For both problems, the objective is a measure of the size of the terms
x − b
. In least-squares, we use the sum of squares of the terms as objective,
whereas in Chebyshev approximation, we use the maximum of the absolute values.
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