React与Redux实战:Learning React第二版

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"Learning React 第二版,2018年5月发布,是Pearson Addison-Wesley Learning Series系列的一部分,专注于教授如何使用React和Redux构建Web应用程序。书中包含详细的实例代码和练习,帮助读者快速掌握技术并立即应用。" 在深入学习React的旅程中,这本书"Learning React Second Edition"提供了一个实践导向的指南,旨在教你如何利用React和Redux这两个强大的JavaScript库来构建现代化的Web应用程序。React是Facebook开发的一个用于构建用户界面的库,尤其适合构建单页应用程序(SPA)。Redux则是一个可预测的状态管理库,常与React结合使用,以解决大型应用的状态管理问题。 本书的核心内容可能包括以下几个关键知识点: 1. **React基础知识**:介绍React的基本概念,如组件、JSX、Props和State。组件是React的核心,它们是可重用的代码块,可以像HTML元素一样组合使用。JSX是一种JavaScript语法扩展,使得在JavaScript中编写HTML变得简单。 2. **React组件生命周期**:详细讲解React组件的创建、渲染、更新和销毁过程中的各个生命周期方法,如`componentDidMount`, `shouldComponentUpdate`, `componentDidUpdate`等,这对于优化性能至关重要。 3. **状态管理和props**:解释如何在组件之间传递数据,以及何时使用状态(state)和props。理解何时提升状态到父组件或使用Context API,以处理更复杂的跨组件通信。 4. **Redux基础**:介绍Redux的基本原理,包括Store、Actions、Reducers和Middleware。Redux通过单一状态树确保应用状态的一致性,而Actions是改变状态的唯一途径,Reducers则定义了状态如何根据Actions更新。 5. **Redux与React集成**:展示如何使用`react-redux`库将Redux与React组件连接起来,使用`connect()`函数将Redux的store绑定到React组件,实现数据的订阅和派发。 6. **React Router**:虽然标签未明确提及,但通常在React应用中进行页面路由管理,会使用`react-router-dom`,它是React Router的一个版本,用于在客户端进行页面导航。 7. **实战项目**:书中可能会包含一个或多个实际项目,通过构建这些项目,读者能够将所学知识付诸实践,巩固理论理解。 8. **练习与挑战**:每章末尾的练习题和挑战有助于加深对新概念的理解,鼓励读者动手修改代码,以学习如何调整和优化应用。 通过这本书,读者不仅能够掌握React和Redux的基础,还能学习到最佳实践和常见设计模式,从而具备独立构建复杂React应用的能力。无论你是初学者还是有经验的开发者,"Learning React Second Edition"都是一本有价值的参考资料,能够帮助你在Web开发领域不断提升。
2018-07-25 上传
Learning React A hands-on guide to building web applications using React and Redux As far as new web frameworks and libraries go, React is quite the runaway success. It not only deals with the most common problems developers face when building complex apps, it throws in a few additional tricks that make building the visuals for such apps much, much easier. What React isn’t, though, is beginner-friendly and approachable. Until now. In Learning React , author Kirupa Chinnathambi brings his fresh, clear, and very personable writing style to help web developers new to React understand its fundamentals and how to use it to build really performant (and awesome) apps. The only book on the market that helps you get your first React app up and running in just minutes, Learning React is chock-full of colorful illustrations to help you visualize difficult concepts and practical step-by-step examples to show you how to apply what you learn. Build your first React app Create components to define parts of your UI Combine components into other components to build more complex UIs Use JSX to specify visuals without writing full-fledged JavaScript Deal with maintaining state Work with React’s way of styling content Make sense of the mysterious component lifecycle Build multi-page apps using routing and views Optimize your React workflow using tools such as Node, Babel, webpack, and others Use Redux to make managing your app data and state easy Contents at a Glance 1 Introducing React 2 Building Your First React App 3 Components in React 4 Styling in React 5 Creating Complex Components 6 Transferring Properties 7 Meet JSX... Again! 8 Dealing with State in React 9 Going from Data to UI in React 10 Events in React 11 The Component Lifecycle 12 Accessing DOM Elements in React 13 Setting Up Your React Dev Environment 14 Working with External Data in React 15 Building an Awesome Todo List App in React 16 Creating a Sliding Menu in React 17 Avoiding Unnecessary Renders in React 18 Creating a Single-Page App in React Using React Router 19 Introduction to Redux 20 Using Redux with React