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more requirements for quality of life. Household appliances are also constantly being updated. From the initial transistors to electron tubes; from analog to digital; from discrete components to integrated circuits; from ordinary to high-performance, multi-functional; from manual control to infrared remote control, to intelligent development. This thesis focuses on the design of an infrared remote control curtain based on a single-chip microcomputer. It uses the 89C2051 single-chip microcomputer's minimal system design to control a reversible, DC motor that controls the opening and closing of the curtains. The key to infrared remote control lies in infrared transmission and reception, as well as encoding and decoding issues. Therefore, the main focus of the discussion is on these aspects. Currently, there are many specialized infrared transmitting and receiving devices, as well as various encoding and decoding methods, so it is necessary to select the appropriate transmission and receiving devices and encoding and decoding methods based on practical situations. In addition, it is also important to understand the application of interface technology of single-chip microcomputers and anti-interference methods of single-chip microcomputers. In terms of interfaces, the focus is mainly on the serial port of the single-chip microcomputer. Anti-interference technologies include: instruction redundancy, interception technology, design of software traps, software "watchdog" technology, etc. Keywords: remote control, infrared, encoding, anti-interference, intelligent, serial port.
2023-07-02 上传
2023-07-10 上传
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