Chin. Phys. B Vol. 24, No. 1 (2015) 018704
REVIEW — Ultrafast intense laser science
Trends in ultrashort and ultrahigh power laser pulses based on
optical parametric chirped pulse amplification
Xu Lu(徐 露)
, Yu Liang-Hong(於亮红)
, Chu Yu-Xi(储玉喜)
, Gan Ze-Biao(甘泽彪)
Liang Xiao-Yan(梁晓燕)
, Li Ru-Xin(李儒新)
, and Xu Zhi-Zhan(徐至展)
State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
School of Physical Science and Technology, Shanghai Technology University, Shanghai 200031, China
(Received 2 December 2014; published online 19 December 2014)
Since the proof-of-principle demonstration of optical parametric amplification to efficiently amplify chirped laser
pulses in 1992, optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) became the most promising method for the am-
plification of broadband optical pulses. In the meantime, we are witnessing an exciting progress in the development of
powerful and ultrashort pulse laser systems that employ chirped pulse parametric amplifiers. The output power and pulse
duration of these systems have ranged from a few gigawatts to hundreds of terawatts with a potential of tens of petawatts
power level. Meanwhile, the output pulse duration based on optical parametric amplification has entered the range of few-
optical-cycle field. In this paper, we overview the basic principles, trends in development, and current state of the ultrashort
and laser systems based on OPCPA, respectively.
Keywords: optical parametric chirped pulse amplification, high-power laser system
PACS: 87.85.Ng, 87.52.N– DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/1/018704
1. Introduction
The laser is arguably one of the most important inven-
tions of the last century. Ever since the first demonstration of
the ruby laser in 1960,
a large community of researchers has
continually designed and improved new types of laser systems
to increase the peak power of laser pulse (as shown Fig. 1
However, before 1985, the laser amplifiers were restricted to
directly amplifying even short input pulses. The risk of opti-
cal damage of the gain media, due to the self-focusing caused
by the change of intensity-dependent refractive index, was
confronting the amplification above few-terawatt power lev-
els with the manageable beam sizes.
The chirped pulse am-
plification (CPA) was first introduced in 1985 by Strickland
and Mourou
to overcome the problem of nonlinear effects
and optical damage with increasing energies of short pulses,
which is schematically depicted in Fig. 2. In this scheme, the
initial laser pulse is stretched by imposing a large amount of
group-velocity dispersion on it in a dispersive delay line. The
peak intensity of this “chirped” pulse will then be lowered by
a factor proportional to the amount of pulse stretching. The
chirped pulse is amplified in the conventional way, and sent
into another dispersive delay line which introduces exactly the
opposite amount of group-velocity dispersion to the pulse. As
a result, the pulse will be recompressed to its original duration
(provided that the spectrum has not been altered by the ampli-
fier), with the accompanying increase in peak intensity. The
pulse stretching and compression can be obtained by a number
of different setups such as, grating pairs (shown in Fig. 3),
prism pairs,
grism pairs (a combination of a grating and
high-dispersive mirrors,
and material.
pulse compressors can in practice be constructed using only
reflective optics, the damage threshold of such a compressor
is much higher than that of a typical laser amplifier system.
Therefore, chirped pulse amplification has led to a dramatic
increase in the maximum achievable peak intensity.
Fig. 1. Progress in laser focused intensity.
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61378030 and 11127901), the National Basic Research Program of China
(Grant No. 2011CB808101), and the International S&T Cooperation Program of China (Grant No. 2011DFA11300).
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