This manifold can be conceived as the earth running on a
circular orbit in the four-dimensional space-time.
For face images of multiple persons, a vector bundle is
suitable to model the relation between interperson and
intraperson variation (Fig. 1b). Each fiber (shown in Fig. 1b
as a curve for visualization) represents the face data manifold
of one person, and the base manifold M (shown in Fig. 1b as a
surface) collects the face images of all persons in a standard
setting (such as the frontal view, frontal illumination, and
natural facial expression). In face recognition, a new test
sample can be projected from the total space E (formed by
gluing together all the face image manifolds of each person)
onto the base M in order to remove intraperson variation,
provided that the projection map : E ! M has been
learned. It is important to point out that both the total
space E and the base M are manifolds. Therefore, manifold
learning algorithms can be applied to a set of face image data
of multiple persons in face recognition.
In general, the manifoldassumption may not hold forsome
complex data sets acquired from the real world. Nevertheless,
this assumption has been widely exploited in practice. First, it
is still possible to approximate the true data model as a
manifold by considering only a small set of significant factors.
Second, the popular manifold assumption can greatly
simplify the problem by exploiting the classical frameworks
of differentiable manifolds and Riemannian geometry.
In the remainder of this paper, we assume that the input
data lie on a d-dimensional Riemannian manifold M
embedded in a euclidean space R
. The Riemannian metric
on M is induced from the standard euclidean inner product
in R
. Mathematically, Nash proved that every Riemannian
manifold M can be isometrically embedded into some
euclidean space R
[35]. This theorem reduces the study of
Riemannian manifolds to the study of submanifolds of
euclidean spaces.
1.3 The Proposed Framework
In this paper, we propose a general framework called
Riemannian manifold learning
(RML). The dimensionality
reduction problem is formulated as constructing coordinate
charts for a Riemannian manifold. One of the most widely
used is the (Riemannian) normal coordinate chart, which was
introduced by Riemann in his famous 1854 lecture [28].
Riemannian normal coordinates are a vital tool for calcula-
tions in Riemannian geometry. One advantage is that normal
coordinates can preserve geodesic metrics to a certain extent
if the complete preservation of the metrics is not possible. The
metric preserving property is a cornerstone in geometry and
also a desirable feature for dimensionality reduction. In
supervised or unsupervised classification, better preserving
the metrics often leads to better results in the reduced low-
dimensional space. Particularly, in normal coordinates,
geodesic distances on each radial geodesic curve emanating
from the coordinate origin can be faithfully preserved. On the
other hand, distances between two radial geodesic curves can
freely stretch or shrink to fit this mapping. Fig. 2a provides an
example of radial geodesic curves, and Fig. 2b presents the
basic idea of normal coordinates. These radial geodesic
curves play a key role in unfolding a curved manifold onto a
flat space. This is very similar to the role of an umbrella
skeleton when we open an umbrella. Because of this set of
radial geodesic curves, which is a “skeleton” of the manifold,
normal coordinates can preserve the intrinsic geometric
structures with minimal distortions.
This paper presents a novel algorithm for manifold
learning based on the calculations of Riemannian normal
coordinates. This algorithm has a number of desirable
properties and overcomes several problems in previous work
reported in the literature:
1. The metric preserving problem. ISOMAP attempts to
preserve geodesic distances of all pairs of points on
the manifold. For intrinsically flat manifolds of zero
Gaussian curvature, such as the well-known “Swiss
roll” data (Fig. 3a), ISOMAP yield s the i deal
embedding by isometrically unfolding the curved
data onto a planar region (Fig. 3b). However, for
general manifolds with a nonzero Gaussian curva-
ture (for example, a sphere), ISOMAP fails to
perform the isometric mapping onto a flat euclidean
space, as Gaussian curvature is isometry invariant.
On the contrary, global metric information is totally
lost in those spectral embedding methods under the
unit variance constraint. For the example of Swiss
roll data, spectral methods tend to generate an
embedding into a square region (Fig. 3c) or even
sometimes yield unpredictable irregular results
(Fig. 3d). For pattern recognition applications, large
differences in global shape and aspect ratios pose
serious threats to any classifier (for example, (KNN)),
because n eighborhood relationship is changed
greatly. Mathematically, the metric preserving pro-
blem is of paramount importance in Gaussian
intrinsic geometry and Riemannian geometry. Com-
pared with ISOMAP and spectral methods, the
proposed RML can preserve radial geodesic dis-
tances, give a more faithful representation of the
data’s glo bal structure, a nd achieve a t rade-o ff
between the rigid constraint of isometry and the
deficiency of global metrics.
2. The cost averaging problem. Previous methods based
on global cost optimization attempt to average the cost
among all data points, thus preventing the correct
unfolding in large deformation areas. For instance, the
boundary areas of a punctured sphere (Fig. 4a) often
shrink into a circular curve by using Hessian eigen-
maps or LTSA (Fig. 4b). This shrinkage significantly
decreases the global cost but yields incorrect over-
lapping. Our algorithm computes the embedding by
2. Although several existing methods mentioned Riemannian manifolds
in their papers, their proposed algorithms essentially had little connection
with Riemannian geometry. This work, together with [32], points out that
the manifold learning problem can be translated into the mathematical
problem of constructing coordinate charts for the manifold, thus unifying
various ideas within a common mathematical framework. In this paper,
only the Riemannian normal coordinate chart is implemented, but other
coordinate charts can also be employed.
Fig. 2. (a) Radial geodesic curves on a surface. (b) Charting a sphere
with Riemannian normal coordinates on the tangent plane.
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