On Routing and Aggregation of Many-to-Many
Sessions over Green WDM Optical Networks
Weigang Hou
1, 2
, Lei Guo
, Zeyu Zheng
College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China
Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
E-mails: weigahou@cityu.edu.hk, guolei@ise.neu.edu.cn, zzeyu2@student.cityu.edu.hk
Abstract—In a many-to-many session, a participant distributes
and receives traffic flows to/from all others in the same session.
It is desirable to achieve the high resource utilizations and
low energy consumptions when we provision such sessions. In
the Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing (WDM) optical network,
traffic grooming has been widely applied as the key technol-
ogy for the routing and aggregation of sessions due to the
high resource utilizations. However, the current many-to-many
grooming approaches, whether the lightpath circle or the hubbed
light-tree, do not make effort on reducing energy consumptions
of many-to-many sessions. In this paper, we formulate the
“Green Routing and Aggregation of Many-to-Many Sessions
(GRAMMS)” problem. For the problem solving, we propose a
novel heuristic that applies a rational combination of lightpaths
in green WDM optical networks. We further give an illustrative
comparison between our heuristic and existing approaches in
terms of energy savings. Extensive simulation results demonstrate
that, compared to benchmark approaches, our heuristic can
achieve much higher energy efficiency.
Index Terms—Many-to-many, traffic grooming, green routing,
lightpath combination.
Nowadays, optical networks applying the Wavelength-
Division-Multiplexing (WDM) technology have been widely
used to provide the high transmission bandwidth for commu-
nications [1,2], which suits the increased bandwidth demand
for applications such as multi-media conference, distance
learning, collaborative research etc [3]. In those kinds of
applications, each participant should be capable of sending
and receiving messages to/from all other participants in the
same session, which can be characterized as “many-to-many”.
With such rising bandwidth demands, energy consumptions
in WDM networks increase significantly and the energy saving
issue becomes increasingly important in the Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) industry, leading to the
concept of Green WDM Networks [4-14]. Recently, how to
optimally provision the high-bandwidth demands in WDM
networks in an energy-efficient fashion attracts great attentions
from both the industrial and academic fields and remains as
an opening and challenging research issue.
To achieve the energy-efficient resource provisioning for
“many-to-many” sessions in WDM networks, two aspects
that play the dominating role in the overall energy consump-
tion should be optimized: 1) the total number of consumed
lightpaths (each lightpath involves the energy consumptions
of transceivers, Optical-Electrical-Optical (OEO) conversions
etc.); 2) the total number of physical hops along the consumed
lightpaths (it involves the energy consumptions of optical
switching and amplifiers etc. along the lightpath). Where-
as most previous works are not energy-efficiency oriented
and mainly focus on the resource utilization improvement
by applying the traffic grooming technique [15-18] that can
aggregate multiple traffic flows on an all-optical lightpath.
Among those works, there are two kinds of typical many-to-
many grooming techniques named as LightPath Circle (LPC)
and Hubbed Light-Tree (HLT) [15,18].
As for the LPC approach, it establishes several cascaded
lightpaths to form a circle for each “many-to-many” session.
The LPC approach well utilizes the network resources espe-
cially when dealing with small sessions, each with a small
amount of aggregated traffic flows. However, considering large
sessions, each with a large set of member nodes, LPC could
result in multiple large and overlapped lightpath circles that
will lead to the huge energy consumptions.
As an example of Fig. 1, we consider two “many-to-many”
sessions r
and r
with the member node set: {A, B, D} and
{A, B, D, E} respectively on a physical topology in Fig. 1(a).
We assume that each traffic flow in each session requires
one unit of bandwidth and one lightpath can provide the
wavelength capacity of two units. For the small session r
LPC approach establishes a simple lightpath circle A → B →
D → A as in Fig. 1(b). The label besides the lightpath, e.g.
A1, represents the traffic flow originating from A in session r
Obviously, all lightpaths are fully-utilized on that circle mean-
while it ensures each member receives traffic flows from other
members in the same session. Whereas for the large session
, in which the aggregated traffic flows exceeds the capacity
of one lightpath, LPC approach will construct two large and
overlapped lightpath circles A → B → E → D → A. Here,
the lightpath B → E traverses the bypass node C. Totally,
LPC needs to establish 11 lightpaths mainly consumed by 2
large and overlapped lightpath circles.
In the HLT approach, for each session, it firstly builds
lightpaths to aggregate traffic flows of all participants to
a certain member regarded as a hub. Then, this hub node
becomes the root of a light-tree and distributes aggregated
traffic flows to all other members in this session. HLT selects
the same hub for as many sessions as possible, which may
increase the probability of inter-session grooming [18] that
leads to the high resource utilizations. However, it still leads
978-1-4673-3122-7/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
IEEE ICC 2013 - Optical Networks and Systems