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| 66 浏览量 | 举报
Temperature detection and control are one of the more typical applications in the industrial production process. With the more widespread application of sensors in production and daily life, using a new type of single-bus digital temperature sensor can achieve faster development in temperature testing and control. This paper designs a temperature detection and alarm system based on the STC89C52 single-chip microcontroller. Multiple single-bus temperature sensors DS18B20 are connected in series to one port of the controller. The temperature of each sensor is collected in a loop, and the collected temperature value is compared with the set value. When the temperature exceeds the set upper limit, the system will trigger an alarm signal through a buzzer.
The design and wiring of this system are simple, with a compact structure and small size and weight. It has strong anti-interference ability and high cost-effectiveness, making it convenient for multi-point temperature detection. Therefore, this system has broad application prospects in large warehouses, factories, intelligent buildings, and other fields.
Keywords: digital temperature sensor, DS18B20, STC89C52, buzzer.

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