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Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing Release 2 (8.1.6),发布于1999年12月,是Oracle Corporation针对8i(8.1.6版本)高级队列开发的一份权威指南。该文档由Kevin MacDowell和Den Raphaely为主要作者,其他多位专家如Neerja Bhatt、Shelley Higgins等人也做出了贡献。这份资料包含了软件和文档,是Oracle专有的知识产权,受严格的使用和披露限制,受到版权法、专利法以及工业和智力产权法律的保护。 书中详细介绍了如何在Oracle 8i环境中进行高级队列技术的开发和管理。它涵盖了诸如消息传递、事件驱动编程、分布式应用通信、以及异步处理等关键概念和技术。通过本指南,开发者可以学习如何设计和实现高效的队列系统,提高应用程序之间的数据交换效率和响应性,适用于那些需要处理大量并发请求或实时通信的应用场景。 内容可能包括但不限于以下知识点: 1. **Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ)体系结构**:介绍AQ组件(如队列管理器、队列、会话和通道)及其在分布式系统中的作用。 2. **消息模型**:讲解不同类型的消息(如简单、事务、定时和选择性接收)及其在不同业务场景中的使用。 3. **编程接口**:涵盖使用Java API(如AQ Java类库)进行队列操作的示例和最佳实践,包括创建、读取、发送和接收消息。 4. **错误处理与监控**:讨论如何处理队列相关的异常,以及使用诊断工具对AQ性能进行分析。 5. **安全性**:介绍如何设置权限和访问控制,确保队列系统的安全性和隔离性。 6. **集成其他Oracle技术**:如与数据库事务、存储过程、触发器的协同工作,以及与其他Oracle应用服务器组件(如JDBC、ODBC)的集成。 7. **案例研究与实战指导**:通过实际项目示例展示如何在实际开发中应用AQ技术,帮助读者理解和掌握其应用策略。 8. **更新和变动**:鉴于文档可能会有变更,强调了查找官方文档的重要性以获取最新信息。 9. **法律条款与免责声明**:重申了关于复制、修改和分发文档的限制,以及遇到问题时的反馈渠道。 Oracle8i Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing Release 2 (8.1.6)是一份宝贵的参考资料,为开发人员提供了深入理解和操作Oracle 8i高级队列服务的关键知识和技能。通过阅读和实践指南中的内容,开发者能够构建更高效、可扩展和可靠的分布式应用程序。
2023-06-12 上传

帮我看看这段话有没有语法错误:The first effect of guaranteeing people have basic financial products and services is increasing the overall quality of people’s lives. Ensuring reliable access to financial products and services can contribute to helping families and companies plan the future from two aspects, long-term goals and unexpected emergencies (The World Bank, 2022). Long-term goals mean long-term investments such as investments in health: saving money against illness, saving for a child’s education, saving for a house or car, etc. Unexpected emergencies mean managing risk, that is, people can apply for a loan from the bank when they are in the face of a sudden bankruptcy or business shock. Furthermore, when people meet weather financial shocks, the government and banks will give some financial assistance. With these financial services, people have a basic guarantee of life and a clear plan for the future in the meanwhile. Guarantee of financial services leads them to save a sum of money in a safe bank account for buying a house, providing funds for children’s education, and buying medical insurance for both themselves and their families to prevent the sudden arrival of diseases. In daily life, online payment improves life efficiency such as reducing queuing time. Additionally, in occupational life, financial guarantees can encourage and empower young people can be bolder to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams by providing them with start-up funds from banks. All in all, the guarantee of financial products leads to individuals plan for their financial futures and improve their overall quality of life.

2023-05-05 上传