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"Digital Signal Processing——科学家与工程师的数字信号处理指南" 本书《Digital Signal Processing: The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing》是作者Steven W. Smith博士专门为那些对数字信号处理感兴趣的科学家和工程师编写的。Smith博士在医学、安全和工业应用领域有丰富的经验,尤其擅长开发创新成像系统。他的主要项目包括SECURE1000安全系统和SentryScope超高清监控摄像头。SECURE1000系统用于检测隐藏在衣物下的武器、爆炸物和毒品,而SentryScope则是一款具有超过2000万像素的高分辨率监控相机。 在医学领域,Smith博士设计了用于检测心脏动脉阻塞(动脉硬化)和骨质疏松症的X射线系统。此外,他在无损检测领域的研究也促成了检查罐装和瓶装产品填充水平和泄漏,以及印刷电路板缺陷焊点的产品。 这本书涵盖了数字信号处理的广泛主题,适合从初学者到专业人士的不同层次读者。标签中的"DSP"代表数字信号处理,它是电子工程和通信领域的一个关键部分,涉及将模拟信号转换为数字形式以便进行分析和处理。"adc-dac"指的是模数转换器(ADC)和数模转换器(DAC),它们在数字信号处理中起着桥梁作用,使得数字系统能够与现实世界的模拟信号交互。"dft"和"fft"分别代表离散傅立叶变换(DFT)和快速傅立叶变换(FFT),它们是分析周期性和非周期性信号的基础工具,广泛应用于滤波、频谱分析等场景。"filter"则涉及滤波器设计,是数字信号处理中的核心概念,用于去除噪声、提取特定频率成分或改变信号特性。 书中详细讨论了这些基本概念,并通过实例来阐述其应用,使读者能够理解并掌握数字信号处理的原理和实践。无论你是想提升学术研究能力,还是希望在工业界应用这些技术,这本书都将为你提供宝贵的资源和指导。
2010-12-29 上传
http://www.dspguide.com/pdfbook.htm FOUNDATIONS Chapter 1 - The Breadth and Depth of DSP The Roots of DSP Telecommunications Audio Processing Echo Location Image Processing Chapter 2 - Statistics, Probability and Noise Signal and Graph Terminology Mean and Standard Deviation Signal vs. Underlying Process The Histogram, Pmf and Pdf The Normal Distribution Digital Noise Generation Precision and Accuracy Chapter 3 - ADC and DAC Quantization The Sampling Theorem Digital-to-Analog Conversion Analog Filters for Data Conversion Selecting The Antialias Filter Multirate Data Conversion Single Bit Data Conversion Chapter 4 - DSP Software Computer Numbers Fixed Point (Integers) Floating Point (Real Numbers) Number Precision Execution Speed: Program Language Execution Speed: Hardware Execution Speed: Programming Tips FUNDAMENTALS Chapter 5 - Linear Systems Signals and Systems Requirements for Linearity Static Linearity and Sinusoidal Fidelity Examples of Linear and Nonlinear Systems Special Properties of Linearity Superposition: the Foundation of DSP Common Decompositions Alternatives to Linearity Chapter 6 - Convolution The Delta Function and Impulse Response Convolution The Input Side Algorithm The Output Side Algorithm The Sum of Weighted Inputs Chapter 7 - Properties of Convolution Common Impulse Responses Mathematical Properties Correlation Speed Chapter 8 - The Discrete Fourier Transform The Family of Fourier Transform Notation and Format of the Real DFT The Frequency Domain's Independent Variable DFT Basis Functions Synthesis, Calculating the Inverse DFT Analysis, Calculating the DFT Duality Polar Notation Polar Nuisances Chapter 9 - Applications of the DFT Spectral Analysis of Signals Frequency Response of Systems Convolution via the Frequency Domain Chapter 10 - Fourier Transform Properties Linearity of the Fourier Transform Characteristics of the Phase Periodic Nature of the DFT Compression and Expansion, Multirate methods Multiplying Signals (Amplitude Modulation) The Discrete Time Fourier Transform Parseval's Relation Chapter 11 - Fourier Transform Pairs Delta Function Pairs The Sinc Function Other Transform Pairs Gibbs Effect Harmonics Chirp Signals Chapter 12 - The Fast Fourier Transform Real DFT Using the Complex DFT How the FFT works FFT Programs Speed and Precision Comparisons Further Speed Increases Chapter 13 - Continuous Signal Processing The Delta Function Convolution The Fourier Transform The Fourier Series DIGITAL FILTERS Chapter 14 - Introduction to Digital Filters Filter Basics How Information is Represented in Signals Time Domain Parameters Frequency Domain Parameters High-Pass, Band-Pass and Band-Reject Filters Filter Classification Chapter 15 - Moving Average Filters Implementation by Convolution Noise Reduction vs. Step Response Frequency Response Relatives of the Moving Average Filter Recursive Implementation Chapter 16 - Windowed-Sinc Filters Strategy of the Windowed-Sinc Designing the Filter Examples of Windowed-Sinc Filters Pushing it to the Limit Chapter 17 - Custom Filters Arbitrary Frequency Response Deconvolution Optimal Filters Chapter 18 - FFT Convolution The Overlap-Add Method FFT Convolution Speed Improvements Chapter 19 - Recursive Filters The Recursive Method Single Pole Recursive Filters Narrow-band Filters Phase Response Using Integers Chapter 20 - Chebyshev Filters The Chebyshev and Butterworth Responses Designing the Filter Step Response Overshoot Stability Chapter 21 - Filter Comparison Match #1: Analog vs. Digital Filters Match #2: Windowed-Sinc vs. Chebyshev Match #3: Moving Average vs. Single Pole APPLICATIONS Chapter 22 - Audio Processing Human Hearing Timbre Sound Quality vs. Data Rate High Fidelity Audio Companding Speech Synthesis and Recognition Nonlinear Audio Processing Chapter 23 - Image Formation & Display Digital Image Structure Cameras and Eyes Television Video Signals Other Image Acquisition and Display Brightness and Contrast Adjustments Grayscale Transforms Warping Chapter 24 - Linear Image Processing Convolution 3x3 Edge Modification Convolution by Separability Example of a Large PSF: Illumination Flattening Fourier Image Analysis FFT Convolution A Closer Look at Image Convolution Chapter 25 - Special Imaging Techniques Spatial Resolution Sample Spacing and Sampling Aperture Signal-to-Noise Ratio Morphological Image Processing Computed Tomography Chapter 26 - Neural Networks (and more!) Target Detection Neural Network Architecture Why Does it Work? Training the Neural Network Evaluating the Results Recursive Filter Design Chapter 27 - Data Compression Data Compression Strategies Run-Length Encoding Huffman Encoding Delta Encoding LZW Compression JPEG (Transform Compression) MPEG Chapter 28 - Digital Signal Processors How DSPs are Different from Other Microprocessors Circular Buffering Architecture of the Digital Signal Processor Fixed versus Floating Point C versus Assembly How Fast are DSPs? The Digital Signal Processor Market Chapter 29 - Getting Started with DSPs The ADSP-2106x family The SHARC EZ-KIT Lite Design Example: An FIR Audio Filter Analog Measurements on a DSP System Another Look at Fixed versus Floating Point Advanced Software Tools COMPLEX TECHNIQUES Chapter 30 - Complex Numbers The Complex Number System Polar Notation Using Complex Numbers by Substitution Complex Representation of Sinusoids Complex Representation of Systems Electrical Circuit Analysis Chapter 31 - The Complex Fourier Transform The Real DFT Mathematical Equivalence The Complex DFT The Family of Fourier Transforms Why the Complex Fourier Transform is Used Chapter 32 - The Laplace Transform The Nature of the s-Domain Strategy of the Laplace Transform Analysis of Electric Circuits The Importance of Poles and Zeros Filter Design in the s-Domain Chapter 33 - The z-Transform The Nature of the z-Domain Analysis of Recursive Systems Cascade and Parallel Stages Spectral Inversion Gain Changes Chebyshev-Butterworth Filter Design The Best and Worst of DSP Chapter 34 - Explaining Benford's Law Frank Benford's Discovery Homomorphic Processing The Ones Scaling Test Writing Benford's Law as a Convolution Solving in the Frequency Domain Solving Mystery #1 Solving Mystery #2 More on Following Benford's law Analysis of the Log-Normal Distribution The Power of Signal Processing copyright � 1997-2007 by California Technical Pub