Based on Single Chip Lithium Battery Charger Design
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more commonly used batteries are nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride, lead-acid batteries, and lithium batteries. Their individual characteristics determine that they will coexist and develop for a considerable period of time. Due to the different charging characteristics of different types of batteries, different chargers are usually used for different types, even with different voltages and capacity levels, but this is inconvenient in practical use. This project designs a lithium-ion battery charger based on a single chip microcontroller. In the design, a concise and efficient hardware is selected, and stable and reliable software is designed. The hardware composition of the system is described in detail, including the microcontroller circuit, charging control circuit, voltage conversion, and optocoupler isolation circuit. A more detailed introduction of the core device of this charger, the MAX1898 charging chip, and the AT89C2051 single-chip microcontroller is given. The software and hardware design of the system is explained. Detailed design and coding are carried out using C language as the development tool. The system's reliability, stability, safety, and economy are realized. This intelligent charger has functions such as detecting the state of lithium-ion batteries, automatically switching charging modes to meet the charging needs of batteries, short circuit protection for the charger, and charging status display. It better maintains the charging battery in life and extends its service life.
Keywords: charger; single chip microcontroller; lithium battery; MAX1898
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