第 46 卷第 1 期
应 用 科 技
Vol.46 №.1
2019 年 1 月
Applied Science and Technology
Jan. 2019
DOI:10.11991 / yykj.201804016
网络出版地址:http: / / kns.cnki.net/ kcms/ detail / 23.1191.U.20180528.1130.004.html
大连理工大学 化工机械与安全学院,辽宁 大连 116024
摘 要:为了更好地研究 LNG 浸没燃烧式气化器管内流体的流动传热特性,建立了浸没燃烧式气化器管内高压天然气
与现有管内超临界流体传热的关联式进行对比。 发现管内传热系数随换热管长先增大后减小,在拟临界点位置达到峰
的对比结果发现,Jackson& Hall 公式更能准确预测超临界天然气在蛇形盘管内的传热特性,但不能体现弯头处的局部传
热强化。 研究结果为浸没燃烧式气化器的设计工作提供了依据。
中图分类号:TK01 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009
Numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer of supercritical natural gas
in a serpentine tube
SONG Jiajun, WANG Yuqing, WANG Xinyao, XU Qinqin, ZHOU Dan, YIN Jianzhong
School of Chemical Machinery and Safety, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Abstract: In order to investigate the flow and heat transfer characteristics in submerged combustion vaporizer
(SCV) , a numerical model was developed to describe the trans⁃critical flow and heat transfer process of high⁃pres⁃
sure natural gas (NG). The characteristics of the flow and heat transfer in the axial and circumferential direction
were investigated and the effects of operating parameters were obtained. Besides, the results were compared with the
heat transfer correlations that predict the heat transfer coefficient inside the tube. It can be concluded that the heat
transfer coefficient value firstly increases and then decreases with the change of tube length, and the peak value ap⁃
pears in the vicinity of the pseudo⁃critical point. Furthermore, the heat transfer at elbow is improved abruptly. The
heat transfer in tubes can be enhanced with the increase of mass flow, but the trans⁃critical process appears later
correspondingly. Increasing the inlet temperature of tubes and bath temperature both can result in an earlier occur⁃
rence of trans⁃critical process, and a higher bath temperature can result in a lower peak value of heat transfer coeffi⁃
cient. By comparing with simulation results, it is indicated that Jackson& Hall equation is more accurate in predic⁃
ting the heat transfer characteristics of supercritical NG in serpentine tube among the correlations. However, it loses
its accuracy at elbow due to the local heat transfer enhancement. This study can provide a theoretical guidance for
the design of SCV.
Keywords:numerical simulation; submerged combustion vaporizer; supercritical natural gas;flow and heat transfer
characteristics; operation parameter; heat transfer correlation
23. 网络出版日期:2018
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目( U1662130) .
通信作者:银建中,E⁃mail:jzyin@ dlut.edu.cn.
俱增。 为了便于储存运输,常将天然气净化处理后
162 ℃ ,转变为液态天然气( liquid nat⁃
ural gas, LNG)。 之后,LNG 接收站将 LNG 加压到
外输压力,送至气化器进行气化。 气化过程中,管内
超临 界 流 体 ( supercritical fluid, SCF) 是 指 温