
1 下载量 67 浏览量 更新于2024-03-24 收藏 1.92MB DOC 举报
Ultrasonic rangefinders are a common tool used in various engineering applications for distance measurement. In this design, the principle of an ultrasonic rangefinder based on a single-chip microcomputer is introduced. The design is based on the STC89C51 microcontroller, which controls the timing of the ultrasonic pulse generation and calculates the round-trip time of the ultrasonic wave from emission to reception, thereby determining the measurement distance. The system consists of components such as the HC-SR04 ultrasonic rangefinder module, LED digital display, resistive components, and a buzzer. It features distance limit settings for data processing, with the distance displayed on the four-digit LED display. When the distance exceeds the set limit, the buzzer is used to sound an alarm. The alarm distance can be adjusted at any time using a button. The ultrasonic rangefinder module offers non-contact sensing capabilities ranging from 2cm to 400cm, with an accuracy of 3mm. This low-cost system has relatively high reliability and can accurately display measured distances on the LED display. It is compact, lightweight, and convenient to use. The key components of the system include the STC89C51 microcontroller, ultrasonic waves, and distance measurement capabilities. Overall, this ultrasonic rangefinder design based on a single-chip microcomputer provides a cost-effective and efficient solution for distance measurement applications. Its ability to accurately measure distances and provide real-time alerts make it a valuable tool for various engineering tasks.