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The focus of this graduation thesis design is to design the control system of the handling mechanism in a flexibility manufacturing system (FMS) based on PLC. The design utilizes a stepper motor for comprehensive control and describes the implementation methods of both software and hardware.
In this design, the stepper motor features a constant step distance per pulse. Therefore, an open-loop positioning control method is adopted. The entire motion can be seen as fragmented motion programs, with each action being a relative movement with varying characteristic parameters but with the same motion program. The design takes the starting point as the reference point and uses pulses to obtain the position of the destination. The mechanical hand can move from the reference point to the destination by manually clicking a button.
Keywords: flexibility manufacturing system, PLC, mechanical hand. Through the design of the control system for the handling mechanism, the flexibility manufacturing system can operate more flexibly and efficiently, thereby improving production efficiency and quality.
2022-07-11 上传
2023-07-02 上传
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2023-07-07 上传
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2021-09-21 上传

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