COL 10(Suppl.), S10607(2012) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS June 30, 2012
Design of the photonic crystal fiber-based surface plasmon
resonance sensors
Yang Peng (
, Jing Hou (
), Zhihe Huang (
), Bin Zhang (
and Qisheng Lu (
College of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
Corresponding author: pynudt@yahoo.com.cn
Received November 30, 2011; accepted February 26, 2012; posted online June 20, 2012
The photonic crystal fiber-based surface plasmon resonance (SPR) refractive index sensor is demonstrated
by using post-processing technique of photonic crystal fiber (PCF). The coupling of PCF mode field and
SPR can be controlled by the air holes collapsing in PCF. The effects of metal film thickness and air
hole diameter on the sensor at different wavelength are simulated by using finite element method. The
simulation results are analyzed by using the modes matching theory. The amplitude based and spectrum
based detection methods are discussed respectively. Refractive index sensitivity 1 700 nm/per refractive
index unit (RIU) can be achieved for an aqueous analyte.
OCIS codes: 060.5295, 060.2370, 240.6680.
doi: 10.3788/COL201210.S10607.
Propagating at the metal/dielectric interface, surface
are extremely sensitive to the changes in re-
fractive index of the dielectric. This feature of surface
plasmon resonance (SPR) has been used for sensor sys-
tems for a long time
. The rese arch of fib e r-optic SPR
sensors began in the early 1990 s. The real fiber SPR
sensors that use fiber devices as sensor heads were first
proposed in 1993
. The fiber SPR sensor offers high
sensitivity, miniaturization, high degree of integration
and remo te sensing capabilities. Since then, driven by
the need for miniaturization of SPR sensors, various op-
tical fiber SPR sensors have be en investigated. The SPR
fiber sensor has the capacity to detect changes in exter-
nal refractive index. It can be optimized by adjusting
parameters such as the thickness of the meta l layer and
over-laye r, etc.
. Several theoretical as well as exper-
imental studies have been carried out, in attempts to
improve the performance of fiber-optic SPR sensors.
SPR fiber sensor s can have diverse structures such
as D-shape, cladding-off, fiber tip, or tapered fiber
. Some novel SPR base d fiber-o ptic sen-
sors have also been proposed, such as fiber sensor adopt-
ing cascaded long period gratings (LPGs)
, SPR fiber
sensor with a fiber Bragg grating (FBG)
. With the
progress in micro-structure fiber technologies, Has sani
et al. proposed the concept for a micro-structured opti-
cal fiber-bas e d SPR sensor with optimized micro-fluidics,
which has a sensitivity of 10
RIU leads to a 1% change
in the intensity of the transmitted light
The progress of fiber SPR sensor is very close to the
development of fiber. During the fiber SPR sensor re-
searching, the fabrication and cost are very important.
With the development o f post-processing technique of
photonic crystal fiber, a fiber SPR sensor based on PCF
is demonstrated in this le tter. The mode field of PCF can
be accurately changed by hole collapse
. After par-
tially removing the fiber cla dding by chemical etching
precise flame controlling
, or polishing and coating it
with metal, the mode field of PCF and SPR can be cou-
pled. Performance of the PCF-SPR sensors can be op-
timized by adjusting the thickness of the metal layer,
over-laye r, and the air-hole diameter.
The schematic of a PCF-SPR sensor developed in this
letter is shown in Fig. 1. Air holes in PCF can be col-
lapsed when the PCF is hea ted due to the surface ten-
sion. The defining parameters of the structure are thus
the physical pitch (distance between the nearest neigh-
bour air holes) which we denote Λ, the air hole diameter
d. Λ
, d
are the initial values of pitch and hole size,
respectively. Λ, d are the values of pitch and hole size
after collapse, respectively. We assume that the pitch
decreases during the hole collapse so that the total silica
area remains constant. The relation of the parameters
3/2 − π/4 (d
3/2 − π/4 (d/Λ)
. (1)
The energy loss is very low if the transition connected
the orig inal PCF and the collapsed se c tion of PCF is
adiabatic. The collapse of air holes can effectively in-
crease the mode field diameter (MFD) of PCF. In Fig.
1, the gray parts show the mode a reas of the PCF guided
modes. Firstly we decrease the thickness of the cla dding
by chemically etching or polishing to reduce the distance
between the outer most air holes and the external e nvi-
ronment and then coat the cladding with metallic film.
The coupling of mode field of PCF and SPR can be
controlled by controlling the collapse o f the air holes in
PCF. And it is easy to integrate this sensor with other
fiber device with very low energy loss. By using the
sensitivity of SPR to refractive index, we can meas ure
the refractive index changes of the external environment
by measuring the variation of intensity or spectrum.
The air hole diameter of the silica P C F is 1 µm, the
pitch is 3 µm, the diameter of the fiber is 14 µm. There
are two layers of air holes in the fiber. After collapse,
the air hole diameter decreases to 4 00 nm, the pitch
increases a nd the dia meter of the fiber decreases corre-
sp ondingly. Then we coat the cladding with metallic film
of 40 nm thicknesses as shown in Fig. 1. The range o f dis-
persion relation data of silica is from 0.21 to 3.71 µm
1671-7694/2012/S10607(4) S10607-1
2012 Chinese Optics Letters