Unified model theory of the glass transition II.Fixed point
of self-similar Lennard Jones potentials in the glass
Wu Jialin
College of Material Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai, China (200051)
The existence of fixed point for self-similar Lennard-Jones (L-J) potentials, in local cluster growth
phase transition in the glass transition, has been proved using the recursive equation of reinforce-
restraint of self-similar potential fluctuation. A series of results have been directly deduced. (a) There
are only 8 orders of self-similar hard-spheres in the glass transition. (b) A universal behavior: two
orthogonal reduced geometric phase potentials (RGPP), the fast RGPP 3/8 and the slow RGPP 5/8,
accompanied with 8 orders of cluster growth phase transitions. (c) The stability condition for
fluctuation reinforce-restraint is just the Lindemann ratio that is exactly deduced as 0.1047in this paper.
(d) The interface excited energy is an invariable of 1/8
. The origin and transfer of interface excitation
comes of the balance between self-similar L-J potential fluctuation and geometric phase potential
fluctuation, which also gives rise to a new attractive potential of –17/16
, lower than potential well
energy –
, in the self-similar mean field of mean fields of different sizes. (e) The delocalization energy
of two-body is exactly the transfer energy of excited interface, and the delocalization path is along 8
orders of geodesics in topological analyses.
Keywords: Glass transition, Fixed point, Geometric phase, Potential fluctuation, Lindemann ratio
In the previous paper [1], a theoretical framework has been proposed that the glass transition
(GT) is only determined by the intrinsic 8 orders of instant 2-D mosaic geometric structures,
without any presupposition and relevant parameter. According to the theory of thermally excited
ripplon [2] and the results of [3], the interface excitation between two reference particles in GT
has been illustrated. An interface excitation is a vector with 8 orders of relaxation times, 8 orders
of additional restoring torques, quantized interface excited energy (QIEE) of 1/8
is potential
well energy) and extra volume. Each order of harmonic restoring torque gives rise to an additional
position-asymmetry of Lindemann displacement [4, 5]; thus, in order to eliminate the additional
position-asymmetry, the accompanied 8 orders of transient 2-D clusters with the 4 neighboring
interface relaxations of the reference particle have been formed. Here, a 2-D cluster is strictly
defined by an instant interface excited loop on projection plane. In order to step by step eliminate
the anharmonic interface tensions, the 8 orders of dynamical 3-D hard-spheres should be adopted.
It is interesting that the physical picture provides a unified mechanism to interpret hard-sphere [6],
compacting cluster [7], non-ergodic [8], free volume [9], cage [10], percolation [11], instantaneous
normal mode [12], geometrical frustration [7] and jamming behaviors [13]. It is clarified [1] that
the clusters in mosaic structures turn out to be the special hard-spheres with the quantized
interface interaction potential of 1/8
and the appearance of 8 orders of 3-D hard-spheres
respectively correspond to the 8 orders of local cluster growth phase transitions (LCGPT) in GT.
However, the central assumption of the intrinsic 8 orders of instant 2-D mosaic geometric
structures is mainly based on the existence of the 8 orders of domain wall vibration frequencies,
proposed by Wolynes and co-workers [3]. In this paper, the independent testification for fixed
point of self-similar Lennard-Jones (L-J) potentials will directly educe that there are only 8 orders
of self-similar hard-spheres in GT and explain the origin of QIEE. The existence of fixed point of
L-J potentials will be a very important theoretical result to out and away simplify discussions on
pairwise interactions, especially in computer simulations. L-J potentials are widely used to