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"本文档是富士FRENIC 5000G系列变频器的操作说明书,重点讲述了自学习执行步骤,适用于机械系统准备和电动机控制。自学习是变频器对电动机特性进行自动调整的过程,有助于优化控制性能。" 在使用富士FRENIC变频器进行自学习时,需要按照以下步骤操作: 1. 机械系统的准备工作包括电动机耦合器的拆卸和安全装置的解除,这是自学习的前提条件。 2. 自学习执行步骤: - 首先,在功能代码P04*中设定值为“1”或“2”,并按下相应的键,使1或2的显示变慢。 - 接着,输入运转指令。默认为操作面板上的正向运转,如需反向运转,需修改F02功能代码。 - 输入指令后,1或2的显示亮起,变频器进入停止状态下的自学习,整个过程大约需要40-80秒。 - 当P04*设为“2”时,完成初步自学习后,会加速至基本频率的50%,进行第二阶段的自学习,再减速并停止。总时间包括加速、运行和减速时间。 - 如果运转指令基于外部信号,例如端子[FWD]或[REV],自学习完成后显示“end”。若通过操作面板或通信指令,自学习结束后,运转指令会自动关闭。 - 自学习结束,操作面板会显示P04*的下一个功能代码。 3. 自学习可能出现的错误及处理: - 自学习结果异常,可能是相间不均衡、输出缺相或过大/过小的自学习结果。 - 输出电流异常,自学习过程中电流过大。 - 时序异常,如在自学习中收到停止、强制停止、自由运行或防止结露等指令。 - 限制动作,如最高输出频率、频率限制器等触发限制。 - 异常发生,如欠电压状态或警报。 遇到自学习错误,应找出主要原因,排除问题后重新进行自学习,或联系厂家咨询。如果使用了非OFL-□□□-□A的输出电路滤波器,自学习结果可能不受保障,需要将相关参数设定到功能代码中。 4. 注意事项: - 变频器是为三相感应电动机设计,不适用于单相电动机或其他用途。 - 不正确的使用可能导致故障或降低寿命,必须按照使用说明书操作。 - 安装、配线、运转和检查前务必详读说明书,遵守所有安全注意事项。 富士FRENIC 5000G系列变频器的自学习功能是对其控制性能进行优化的关键步骤,但需要谨慎操作,避免出现错误导致控制效果下降。在使用过程中,务必遵循安全规定,确保设备的稳定运行。
2018-10-11 上传
Electron in Action guides you, step-by-step, as you learn to build cross-platform desktop applications that run on Windows, OSX, and Linux. By the end of the book, you'll be ready to build simple, snappy applications using JavaScript, Node, and the Electron framework. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Wouldn't it be great to build desktop applications using just your web dev skills? Electron is a framework designed for exactly that! Fully cross-platform, Electron lets you use JavaScript and Node to create simple, snappy desktop apps. Spinning up tools, games, and utilities with Electron is fast, practical, and fun! About the Book Electron in Action teaches you to build cross-platform applications using JavaScript, Node, and the Electron framework. You'll learn how to think like a desktop developer as you build a text tool that reads and renders Markdown. You'll add OS-specific features like the file system, menus, and clipboards, and use Chromium's tools to distribute the finished product. You'll even round off your learning with data storage, performance optimization, and testing. What's inside Building for macOS, Windows, and Linux Native operating system APIs Using third-party frameworks like React Deploying to the Mac App Store About the Reader Requires intermediate JavaScript and Node skills. No experience building desktop apps required. About the Author Steven Kinney is a principal engineer at SendGrid, an instructor with Frontend Masters, and the organizer of the DinosaurJS conference in Denver, Colorado.